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Here is the Patron release for Spiral Clicker 0.10. Here's what's new in this version: 

- Elkantar Summon added

- 5 CGs for Elkantar added.

- 1 titnosis induction added.

- 3 CGs for Kathrine added.

- 2 scenes for Nanshe added.

- Hypnotan Summon added.

- 5 CGs for Hypnotan added.

- UI for Campus Conquest updated.

- Red added to Kingdom Conquest

- 4 scenes added for Red

- 2 challenges added for Red

- Nanshe Summon added.

- 5 CGs for Nanshe added.

- Balance changes made to Elf Kingdom to shorten wait times.

- Failing duels in Elf Kingdom now lets you skip straight to the duel. 


Spiral Clicker Patron Beta

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found a rather interesting bug, I tried summoning again and got Elkantar instantly (were still missing hypnotan) i got so befuddled i existed her menu without upgrading her a single level and summoned Hypnotan and *POOF* now Elkantar is permanently gone, she doesn't have a level so she is not on the girls list and since I did that and since I already summoned her as far as the game is concerned I can't get her back either. Also Hypnotan lacks a Profile button


Every download link takes me back to 0.09. Where is 0.10 please?

Shaun Holmes

Right. The new elven and duel system is Hard, compared to what we had up to 8.0. The system is difficult to understand and what you supposed to even do right at start, due to fact no tutorial, faq. I struggled for 10 hours and had to brute force it at end. I reckon with a bit of tweaking and a simple Pop up page at start to show you what to do. would make this easier to understand and what you need to do. Just my thoughts after bashing my head against a wall for 10 hours trying to figure out what I supposed to do for all 3 elves.


I'm pretty sure Changer just forgot to change the number on the screen again.


it's actually still clicking on Red's fight, just need to find the correct spot to click (suggest trying the usual ticklish spots) besides the time is only an issue if you click inside her "Eye" aura as that means your focusing on it and thus falling into trance FASTER rather than getting loose

Shaun Holmes

The whole of Elkantar bugged. I got her. did her to max cg. 3 Cgs wrong, no info pops up, summons her but vanishes. also when you mind breaking it shows her errored out.


What's the strat to defeat Red?


Also you need a TON of pearls otherwise its not possible, spiral/mouse and overall slave level counts as well, The Elf Kindom Is Brilliant and so are the dual, Maybe read the text because it actually tells you what to do


I gave a hint about it above, basically she is trying to pin you down and trance you with her eyes, but she has a major weakness that will let you escape, she is ticklish...


sorry, forgot to change the version number. I'll get that fixed as soon as I can.

Shaun Holmes

Really. had all girls 5000+ lvls, now got over 1000 pearls and my click lvl and mouse was 200. and even clicked the tickle spots. think it could be tweaked as even if you read the txt boxes you still have no clue. and some spots are in weird places like between the legs and by neck. Ty Lunaraia as they explains why the eyes lit up. but would help if there was a intro into it explaining it.


I will look into why she's acting so strangely and get a fix uploaded as soon as I have it figured out. Sorry, I was finishing up adding her last night while exhausted so I may have made obvious errors.


Helen does say you should click on her body to find her weak spots to distract her both before the fight and when failing the fight I can't really have her explain exactly where the weak spots are for each elf though, as it would defeat the puzzle aspect of the duels to be told exactly where to click. With 1000 pearls you should definitely have enough pearls to win the duel though. I balanced it around about 500 pearls.


Dude I don't get it I have less Pearl's than you and it's not hard at all


New problem. when I saw the 45 pearl thing, I thought: Oh! now I can resummon Elkantar since that messed up before! But when I clicked, it just changed to no girls available, and she was nowhere to be found


the way I have it coded, there could have been a delay; if you hit back very quickly it might not have finished processing. I'll look into stopping it from doing that. If you go to the main screen and back to the summoning page, does it return to being able to click?

Shaun Holmes

Really. will try again. but it weird as f that with 1000 pearls I struggle with a gaming mouse set to max. Even tickling (ie some spots are not right as I tried all spots and it was between her legs and side of neck. Currently redoing all girls as I found a bug that reset some of them to 1000+ lvls.


each girl has 6 spots which may be sensitive; only one spot is sensitive at a time, so you need to search around for which spot is sensitive each time you distract her successfully. With 1000 pearls, you probably only need to distract her successfully 2-3 times to take her down.

Shaun Holmes

Elkantar still bugged. Her last 3 images are of Nanshe and when you mind break her she is glitched out at bottom.


when did you download the game last? I uploaded a fix for that an hour or so ago.


Just downloaded - I bought Elkantar before and got the first session of mind break but she hasn't appeared in the lineup since - now Helen shows "Buy" but when you click it it switches to no girls available but still takes the 45 pearls <3 for the new induction though!


That is strange. I'll look into why Elkantar is still not working right.

Shaun Holmes

I will do another redownload as I downloaded last one when you said it was fixed earlier. Yeh it fixed. did not know you fixed it a hour ago.


the fix... doesn't work I can click the Summon button, it takes the gems aaaaand nada, zero zilch, says no girl is available, so the game treats her as already summoned, but unavailable

Shaun Holmes

Really second girl I clicked all spots and jack all. How the hell we supposed to know where to tickles when you do it does zilch. at least add a hint to help if you struggling as I finding this annoying as you do it over and over and over and it just an annoying grind. Nice idea, but in reality it just really gets old as you read what txt says and do it and nothing. 6 weakpoints that clicked all, even with the 1000 pearls was doing nothing. Would have preferred a more standard spiral clicker system as this feels like it a grind game for elves. Christ i need to get some cigs now as that has really stressed me out for 2 hours trying to work out how the f the second girl got 6 weak points and it not showing any reponse when clicking them. Yeh elfs are not spiral clicker they a grind. come on. 3rd one no clue wtf you supposed to do even at start. just seems like whole point is grind for pearls and get really annoyed at having no way of knowing what to do as no faq to help if you get stuck. and what you get for bashing your head against a wall, nothing but 3 cgs if you can get passed all 3. What a waste of a good idea. as it just pointless. (my advice just dont bother with new elf area) I given up as it just a waste of time, as you have to reset over and over to get pearls. im at over 3k pearls and 3rd elf and it not enough,


I am very confused, Lunaria, I am testing it locally and it seems to be working as I had coded it last fix... If you go back to the main screen, is Elkantar there now?


They do telegraph if you are hitting the correct spot. If they aren't reacting, you aren't clicking hte right spot; as soon as you find the spot where they are currently vulnerable, they will bounce a bit, change facial expression, and blush.

Shaun Holmes

2nd fight no change at all. No matter what I did. So I just ground it out by mass clicking screen. 3rd boss could not even get past the first stage. That my point in all this. Spiral Clicker is supposed to be a easy to play click game. Yet the elf area so annoying and grindy that it a waste of time. as you have to reset so many times and there no way know what you supposed to do for each elf. You got to guess and guess. Well when you get annoyed enough of trying to do it the way charger wanted, just brute force it and you can win (5k pearls and click like crazy). More then one way to skin a cat as they say.


Jesus dude enough complaining. It's clearly just you having these issues so you must be doing something wrong. Nothing in this game is a waste. Its extremely hard work for a solo team to create a game like this especially when there are 3 on going games being worked on at the same time. Changer is working hard and you should be happy you have access to this at all

Shaun Holmes

I ant complaining. Just voicing that it not easy and is a hell of a grind. I spent 10 hours grinding and doing what you and charger said. In the end I had to brute force it. Why because there no simple involved in it. 6 points that can or not have an effect. There are places that are slightly out of position. If you look at what charger had done up to 9.0, this is like taking a sledge hammer to a bone china shop. Also Flippers how am I wrong, I did what you all said and it proved to be a grind on par with getting high tier tanks in World of tanks ( that is hard work). Would say to add a help function like a small spiral say around head (meaning left or right ear) to help after you fail 3 times. As I failed 2nd and 3rd so many times. Why cuz you got find weak points that ant easy to guess and all the while you click the bar goes higher. This not a complaint just my opinion as I do have Health issues and I struggled with this.


sorry were getting dinner and didn't notice the response, still nothing on my end, then again my save is on the Live version so that might be why? or it might be because my hypnosis level on her were 0 to begin with, could probably edit my save to fix it honestly.


so, for me, I didn't notice Elkantar because the button said no girls were available. I tried pressing the button, which did summon her, but i wouldn't have know she was there if i hadn't read the update notes


this might have been fixed in the same miniupdate that fixed her last 3 images, I bought her before downloading that


I did upload the fix to both the live and beta versions. it might not be retroactively fixing an already bugged summoning of her, but I'm not sure what condition she is in on your save that would do that...


I'm currently waiting on the screen to see if it is processing the click still


Hm. Might need to just reset the save at this point. Could be the only way to get her. at this point.


Unfortunately, it might be that whatever the bug was caused an issue that isn't self correcting with my fix... I'll have to brainstorm what might be going wrong and how to make it self correct...


can someone help me out? I downloaded the version at the top of these comments but I cant summon anyone. The button says buy but the message says no girls available. I clicked it anyway after reading the comments but it didn't do anything, not even take any pearls. I can't find anything new in the elf kingdom either. I have plenty of pearls and even reset all the girls to see if that was the key but that didn't work either.


I meant like, girls who were obtained through pearl summoning. They should be lined up to the right of helen. I believe including Elkantar, there should be 9 summonable girls.


I just closed it and reopened it and now i can summon. I deleted the old version before downloading the new one so Its not a mistake of the wrong version. Dont know what happened but that seems to have fixed my issue.


There are 6 to the right of Helen. I havent summoned any new ones yet but I can see it is available.


I now have all 9 girls to the right of Helen, thank you.


The fact that I find is easy as heck and have less everything than you proves as such. It takes me no time at all to compleat the duals. They are really not that hard. If it's taking you 10hrs to grind I'd suggest just giving up. Clearly you are not doing right and you clearly won't learn or even take the time to go back to past posts comments and read them which explain in great detail I might add what to do and how much of anything is needed. Peace bro

Shaun Holmes

That the thing you dont get. It may be easy for some. But did it cross any ones mind that it may be hard for people that have health issues. It took me 10 hours that says there may be room to improve to help those struggling. What the hint of they have a weak point on there body's. Yeh so click all over and see if they do sumthing. Yeh like that easy for someone that ant got learning problems and can lose concentration and easily gets stressed by it. Reason why I play spiral clicker is cuz it simple click and wait. Not the elf kingdom that is like a grind puzzle that can frustrate. That why I saying to add a help spiral if you fail too many times. Second elf no clue where he weakpoint is still. But third i found 1 weakpoint by redoing it, after 11 hours. So that my point it valid if you going to add sumthing that changes game so big add a help at least. Later bro


If it helps, when i get city conquest added, it will make it easier to get larger amounts of pearls, which would allow you to brute force the elf kingdom duels.

Shaun Holmes

Roger. I brute forced by doing what i call the time lord cheat. Reset, get all girls maxed and have lvl 150 on spiral and mouse then go back to oct 31st 2018 and just get the 3 limited cg's and i have enough cash to max out fully.


I fixed it, she was in a state where she was summoned but not summoned since i had never put any levels into her, so i could spend pearls to summon her, but the game would not unlock her since I had already 1 level in both her unlock stats (set by default when she was bugged), the simple fix was to set her Elkantar Unlock and Elkantar Unlock Max variables to 0 then spend the pearls to unlock her again, problem solved.


So, have you figured out how to fix the debacle with Elkantar yet?