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So, Alice brought up wanting to do a summertime fun event with several girls from Spiral Clicker, including new swimwear costumes, CGs and probably some group CGs. Unfortunately, what she is describing sounds like it would be quite a bit outside of my budget. 

She suggested that I try doing a special crowdfunding campaign to fund doing the event; but I'm not sure if that would seem like double-dipping to do something like a kickstarter or gofundme for an event in the game, when the game it's self is already being funded through patreon?

So, I thought I would post a poll asking for your opinions on this. Would trying to fund a special event like this be double dipping, or would it be an okay thing to do?



You could start a project to put a giant spiral on the moon. I'd fund you every day


this is basically the dlc model in big name games


are we talking appropriate dlc, ie bonus content to a completed story and game, or are we talking greedy dlc, ie that one multi ending zombie game that had the "canonical ending" hidden behind dlc, or battlefront 2 that had characters in loot boxes locked behind 40+ hrs of playtime or paying money to spend the dice


neither the dlc thats just cosmetic like skins in borderlands


Viss, I was more thinking of raising funds to be able to make the special event; but the costumes and CGs would be available to everyone once it's done. I wouldn't be making the costumes/CGs exclusive to backers or charge for access to them.