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Someone shared this with me on my discord just now. I cropped out the name for the sake of privacy but according to this, it seems that Patreon is cracking down on transformation as well now. If this isn't a sign that Patreon is on the warpath to get rid of all fetish content entirely I'm not sure what is.

I'm feeling increasingly uncomfortable about my financial future on this platform; if Patreon decides to shut me down, I wouldn't be able to pay rent for more than a month, if that, and I would be left completely unable to pay my artists, and that could put them into a bad situation as well. 

I don't want to be overly alarmist but as this keeps getting worse, I feel I should point out again that I do have a subscribestar account. I will keep updating on here as long as I'm still allowed to, but the more people who move to subscribestar the safer I will be from getting sniped with an account freeze just in time to miss a month's income on here.

My subscribestar is here for anyone who is willing to make the move: https://subscribestar.adult/changer

The prices are a bit different there due to it being a monthly campaign and not a per-post one, but I did try to balance the prices around the average amount people tend to spend on each tier. 

And thanks everyone. Your support is the only reason I'm able to keep making content, and I'm going to keep trying to do my best to make stuff you all enjoy. 




the moment they shut you down here (if that happens) I will jump to subscribe star, would support both areas but can't afforb doth simultaniously

Damien Jacobs

sounds good. so long, patreon!


FYI, even substar has tos wording that can ban that kind of stuff too. In fact, it's pretty standard tos jargon that means they can remove you from their site for anything they find offensive.


Something about that just seems off. Normally if a company send out something like that it didn't start with *per our* it should say *As per our* and it also mentions kinks by name. I doubt any company would do that. Just a thought as I'm aware the threat is potentially real but that message just screams fake to me


If it's fake, that'd be nice news; but given that my livelyhood is at stake, as well as those of the artists I work with, I can't afford to not stay on top of it. Building up a backup plan and then nothing happening is better than having no backup and getting wrecked.


Yeah, there is often jargon like that in the TOS; the difference is that Patreon has been actively enforcing it and suspending people this month.


Of course. I'll support you no matter where you go. You and your art/games are very rare to find that type of quality these days


I just switched over to subscribestar I’m going to have to cancel this Patreon subscription though since the next pay period is coming up I still love your work!


yeah, no worries, I don't expect anyone to sign up on both at the same time. xD


thanks, and yeah I don't expect you to stay subbed here while subbed there. xD


Don't worry Changer, your followers love your content! I've got your subscribstar page saved if the worst should come, Should that happen, I'll simply switch over there and continue to support your efforts.


Well now. That's a thing. I have... things to consider.

Lucas Tigy

this is a bit silly to me, because in adventure high, you have the choice to either date people or control them and it reminds me a bit of bioshock with the little sisters. you can either "save" them or essentially eat the small child. i know that the parallels aren't exactly there, but i feel like games with moral decisions like that probably exist on this site and could be considered far worse then adventure high. i also feel like the key thing here is that this is all fiction. if people lose sight of what is real and what is not, then they should probably get some help


yeah, I'm really hoping the rest of AH's story can put me into the "game of thrones exception" territory, but I've been told that nobody has EVER successfully argued to keep their content on that exception so it's probably less about "things that are part of a deeper story" and more "things that the mainstream public likes in spite of touching taboos"


Done some research on this and as far as i can tell it appears to be mainly focused towards People who sell pictures of themselves or those whom would be deemed a "Sex Worker" That are being affected, due to payment companies not allowing such things to be supported


I mean, that was who they hit first a while ago. I'm not sure if this is the same thing though, as you can't exactly take pictures of yourself transforming into things...


I don't know if this is any comfort, but I believe you have adequate presence on other platforms to be pretty safe as is. You also have mentioned the situation on your patreon in a fairly timely fashion. Personally, I made a subscribestar account already, but I don't want to start using it to support if I don't have to, so I'm biding my time.