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Hey everyone. It's been a while since I've been able to make progress on AH so I'm looking forward to getting more written. I figured I would make a post to ask which plotline in-progress you guys are most interested in seeing more of, so I can get an idea of where to start. There are a fair number of plotlines, plot hooks, and the such currently available to work on, so I can't list them in an exact poll but if you leave a comment with which plotlines you are most eager to see more of, I'll try to focus on some of the most popular ones. 



ones I'd like to see most are, in order: Cassandra sub route, Rack willing slave/lover route, Jane sub route, anything involving the charm spell, and anything involving bimbo Rack (such as more bimbo class scenes or whatever). Thanks for all the hard work!


I'm definitely more excited for any of the sub routes