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I started the live updates for Spiral Clicker 0.08 last week, but forgot to make a post about it. So, I figured I'd go ahead and make a post now to make it easier to find. It's the same link as before; just sort of bumping this up so new patrons can find it easier.

So far in this update, we have 9 convos added for Ms. Rack, 5 for Sophia, and 10 for Candice. 


Spiral Clicker Live

Get Adobe Flash Player . Embedded with the help of embed-swf.org . Download here 5/6/19 updates: - 10 ...



Those 5 new CGs I can't seem to get... those are Leena's, right? I can't seem to unlock her.


Yeah, they are Leena's scenes, I'll get her finished and put in this update before it finishes.


Is it normal that the save file occasionally resets after restarting the game? I noticed that both the beta and the live version seem to use the same save location since the same savegame was available to both executables. Where is that save file located (so I can make backups from time to time)? Is this a known problem? Is it different with the swf? Cheers.


Nevermind, I think I found it: C:\Users\"USERNAME"\AppData\Roaming\Stencyl\Spiral Clicker Resized. I'll play around with it.