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I'm starting to work on the next set of live updates for Spiral Clicker. Starting this set off by adding a CG for Helen and Candice. 


Spiral Clicker Live

Get Adobe Flash Player . Embedded with the help of embed-swf.org . Download here 3/23/19 updates: - 1 ...



Hey just Wanted to ask if others had the same Problem but when i close Spital clicker and Open it again all my progress is lost because of that I kinda stopped playing if someone has a idea on how to fix that Please help i googled already but found nothing helpful


Firefox recently pushed a change that blocks flash saves, that's probably the most likely cause. You can change your settings though to re-enable flash saves.


Firefox did some changes to flash recently that puts it under the control of the Firefox Sandbox, which is essentially blocking saves, the easiest way to fix that is to write about:config in your address line, press enter, do a search for dom.ipc.plugins.sandbox-level.flash and then DELETE that entire entry, this removes Flash from control of the sandbox completely and you can now save flash again, at least that was what I had to do, some could get it saving again after just messing with the access levels of that entry but for me i had to purge it completely.


Changer your change log said you added 8 conversations for Aiko, but I got a bunch of convos for DH instead XD. Also Helen redid all her blurbs bout having all the girls, for whatever reason. And Helen's new CG is misaligned in the C library.


Sorry, the 8 convos thing was an artifact from the previous updates list that somehow slipped by when I emptied out the updates to start this cycle. Will fix those other things.


I don't want to sound rude. I found this game and your work through steam and it's really fun :), wanted to test the latest development and at give some feedback (and a bit of support :) ) but I'm having trouble running flash in a modern browser not that i don't know how but it's a hustle (and I'm running linux ond my second machine and almost all distros AND google chrome refuse to support flash). Is it possible that the "live" updates get a packed executable so it can be played without using outdated browsers? (also I really want to try "Adventure High" but it's only swf :( )


Under the embedded game, there should be a download link which contains a bundled sfw and exe version of the game. Adventure High is a bit finicky at the moment due to Stencyl not compiling it properly.


cool :) was it there I would not know, I probably was hypnotized :P I had a couple of bugs I observed I'll give them a rub again


yeah, if you notice any bugs and let me know about them, I can try to get them fixed as soon as possible.


so how in this one do we unlock clara? i see she's recently been adde dbut she hasnt appeard for me in the latest download


i can´t download it


Hi! I can't seem to figure out how to unlock Leena. I have every girl and CG, as well as over 50K in Campus Conquest, if that helps. Any guidance would be appreciated!


You need to click Helen's face in mind conquests 50 times, then Leena's face will appear in the campus conquest map to click on.