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Got this one from Caveman Doodles for the next image in the bimbos gone wild plotline. And yes, it is intentional that Val has gotten dressed in this one. xD




makes you wonder how long it will take val to bimbofy the MC and become the Head Bimbo


So I got Candace in the latest update of Spiral Clicker, and I found a few problems. In the main screen, you can't see the little meter that tells you when they generate will for you, nor is there a Profile button or an upgrade button. Then, when I WAS on her profile, it only let me upgrade her to level 10 and wouldn't let me do the mind-break (after the initial one, of course). Further, and this isn't nearly as bad but it does break the mold of how the other girls worked, but all three CG's were visible on her profile right from the start, even when I was only at level 5.


While the other bugs have been fixed, the bar that shows when will is harvested is permanently empty and has no numbers in it. Thank you for the other fixes, though.


Make val the head bimbo or the MC? Because bimbo MC ruling over a vast bimbo empire is something I could get behind.


Val becoming the Head Bimbo since she is the "brains" behind bimboing everyone


So does this mean every charecter involved in this will be getting a bimbo personality and subsiquent play scenes?


Not exactly, it's leading up to something, but I don't have the assets to do an extra bimbo form on every character. xD


THESE ARE SO GOOD. I am on the bimbo NG+, how do I start this plotline?


You can start the plotline by doing the bimbo plotline on NG+ from a bimbo world ending, and then using the dialogue option to attempt to stop Val from bimbofying Ms. Rack when playing as Dan. These newer scenes are not yet in the game but I will be trying to add them after Spiral Clicker's update for the month is finished in a couple days.
