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Got this one from Senturi for Candice's second CG. Seems she's doing a bit of... Research into what she's seen...




Regarding the latest update on the game, it says that Sally has been moved to Campus Conquest, and that she has a new convo added on the download page... yet I just went through her whole convo tree and I didn't see anything new.


Unless you meant that you get a convo for her if you unlock her through Campus Conquest... which admittedly I didn't do. Hm.

Nicole Barovic

I wonder if Changer could make us unlock the girls with new unlock methods in the new ways when we reset our progress for pearls?


Yeah, the scene is a new intro for her when encountered in Campus Conquest. I am not planning to have girls get re-locked on resets though. I am planning to include a flashback feature though later on after I get the programming and writing for campus conquest done.