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So after a LOT of tweaking settings and stubbornly retrying things for a while, I finally managed to get Stencyl to compile AH again. The port is still being worked on, and will continue to be worked on as I do not know if this will last or if the new settings will only buy me one or two more scenes before I run into the memory issue again. 

So, I am tentatively starting up live updates for version 0.55 of Adventure High while stencyl is still cooperating. I've added one new scene so far, for Cassandra if you transform into Sarah and had not yet concluded the plotline between Cassandra and Sarah. 


Live Updates 3

If the game does not respond at first, you may need to click within the borders of the game to focus the browser on it. Basic Controls: WASD/Arrows: Movement in Dungeon, selecting spells and targets in combat. WS/UP-Down arrows: Pan images larger than the screen Enter: Exit Dungeon, when in bedroom open party menu, fast forward in conversation.



Unless I'm doing something wrong seems like you can't cast suppression starting a new game from this build.


Hey I cannot cast suppresion on Angie once Jane drugs her? I click it but it just does not do anything?


That is odd. Are you playing in flash or exe? And I will try seeing if there is something funny going on...


You can't cast the spell at all? Is this in the flash version of the exe?


sorry been playing the live server 3 thing i have a question anyone know how to hit floor 21 20 seems to be last one i can access