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This is the patron release for Spiral Clicker 0.05. Here's what's new in this version:

- Ms. Rack can now be summoned.

- 5 CGs for Ms. Rack Added.

- Larelle can now be summoned.

- 5 CGs for Larelle added.

- Katelyn added to the game.

- 4 CGs for Katelyn added. 

- Campus Conquest mode added.

- Tammy now unlocks through Campus Conquest.

- 1 CG for Helen added.

- 1 Convo for Helen added.

- 10 Convos for Janis added.

- Gallery Added.

- Helen Titnosis hypnotic focus added.

- 3 Convos for Sophia added.

- 6 Convos for Amber added. 


Spiral Clicker Patron Beta

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nice glad i waited


Ms Rack is my favorite Charackter nice

Anon Girl

I'm not sure if this would be too hard to program, but would it be possible to have some way to replay conversations you've had with girls during cutscenes? The new gallery might be a convenient place to put them.


I agree, I'd like to replay some of those conversations without having to restart the game.


I am planning to add a "rewind" button to profiles to reset their convos at any time.

Nicole Barovic

What does Campus Conquest mode actually do? Is it just a WIP that will have more functions later on?


It will have more functions later on, but it is going to include unlocking new characters, mindbreaks on generic girls, unlocking new areas and ultimately will lead into taking over areas beyond the campus.


The Reset issue Happend again, All progress gone... XD


it might be a good idea to back up your saves then? If you search for .sol files, you should find the saves in a folder with "spiral clicker" in the name.


Speaking of, I am of the opinion that you should have it add to the Pearl total when it is reset with everything else. 1 pearl per thousand would be reasonable in my opinion.