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This is the play scene with Azure for the healed protagonist, in female form in Mind Conquest, by Senturi. 




so much art for mind conquest... so much I start to crave an update for it XD


Yeah, I'll be working on the new update as soon as I get the new UI materials from Carlis.


Neat, btw Larelle in Spiral Clicker has no likes or dislikes :/


Yeah, I haven't thought of them yet. I have her likes figured out, but not dislikes


ah I see, btw a whole bunch of summon CG's won't unlock for the gallery, only one that stuck was Larelle's first CG, also what does Campus conquest actually do other than rise the number on the top left slowly bu surely?


I just uploaded a potential fix for the gallery with regards to summons. Campus Conquest is going to be a way to unlock various characters to give some variety, generate more willpower, and unlock new areas. I am planning to expand it to the rest of the city, country, world, and then fantastical worlds as it progresses.


that did it, though it also for some reason replayed the whole spiel about pearls, didn't do anything else weird than that though and it seems to run fine still. EDIT: WAIT it... locked the entire campus away... can't enter it at all as the button no longer exists it also changed my willpower reserves from 2.85T to 0Q


Yeah, I had some bugs, I am uploading some fixes in just a few minutes.


seeing as none but the 2 first comments won't load for some reason I can't check whether you have managed to finish uploading the potential fixes, if you have I will point out that the campus button is still AWOL


Yeah, I don't know why the others won't load. I am working on fixing the problems, seems like more bugs arose.


I see, here's hoping we can squash em fast so we can get back to... tooo bluuuuuu...... *looks at the spiral for too long* ;)


good news and bad news, good news campus button is back, bad news the willpower thingy still says 0Q and the auto damage from the spiral is out of whack when doing campus control as i have 2213.48K spiral power but only deal way less than that to the targets. Also the 0Q willpower means i can't gain willpower nor pay for any will power costs, and it SERIOUSLY needs to be fixed, preferably ASAP.


Yeah, I'm working on the fixes at the moment. I just uploaded some more a few seconds ago xD


the willpower seems to be acting normally on my end now. I'm not sure if it's a specific later character breaking it or if it's just not fixing it's self on your save...


well I have unlocked EVERYONE so that might be it, not to big a deal i can jsut edit the save using Minerva to fix it I suppose


found the reason, for some inexplicable reason my willpower had gotten a *0 adjustment multiplier set it to 1 so it should work now EDIT: still not working, though I have some other suspects, like the fact that Rack as jsut a LUDICROUSLY high power gain


One of the girls must be causing it then, I'll need to test to figure out which girl is creating a value that doesn't work...


fixed it was editing the wrong save and I think it was the Will power Adjustment flag being 0 that did it because that was the only adjustment I did aside from tossing in some willpower my way to get back atleast some of the willpower I lost


I found another interesting bug, due to the sheer power of multipliers I have running several of the willpower displays have glitched out and started displaying negative willpower gains, with giant numbers in the negatives, for example Dianne displays -2137454592 willpower per second, which is ludicrous (that's -2.1 trillion willpower per second), it MIGHT have something to do with the fact that i have Collage campus sitting on a completely silly high multiplier, since there is no time limit i just started up college campus then let the game just go in the background, either way this might also have been the reason why my willpower went all wacky, maybe?


I just uploaded a potential fix. The display for willpower generation was rounded which would cause an overflow after about 3 billion.


it works, however it also inflated the text size of willpower generation ALOT for some reason as in twize the size of the ALOT I just wrote