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Got this one from Caveman Doodles for a swaying breasts hypnotic focus. The gif version has some hard edges, but the version which will be in the game will be much smoother as they will be a png sequence. 




I have only one thing to say: Yes.

Anon Girl

Oh my god yesssss


I want more


110% behind this

Anon Girl

The in-game text would be better if it said "Helen's hypnotic breasts sway back and forth, generating willpower passively without any need to click, or think for yourself." That's a bit better grammar wise, and much hotter Edit: This hypnotic focus is glitched, and appears overtop of all the girls when you try to view their profiles

Anon Girl

And I hate to sound spoiled, but is there any chance we could get an assnosis version of this too? I'd even be willing donate on paypal/up my max pledge if necessary!


Yeah, I can tweak the grammar, and I'll take a look at the settings to try fixing the layering glitch.


I am not sure at the moment. Unfortunately animations take up a ton of filespace. xD

Anon Girl

Is there a limit to how big this game can get, or are you just worried about making the download too big?


At a certain size, stencyl gets issues. so I am trying to be mindful of that filesize limit. It's got a long ways before it hits the size Adventure High did, but too many filesize heavy features can push it up there quickly. I am probably going to port this game over to unity after Adventure High's port is completed if it goes smoothly though.

Anon Girl

Ok, that's fair. I look forward to seeing what you do in the future!

Damien Jacobs

sexy and just makes me want to see femdom scenes with titnosis in it


The game version doesn't seem to show.


I double-checked, and it seems to only be an issue with the downloaded version.

Wild Bill

I love titnosis, although I prefer to see it used on girls.