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I've begun working on the live updates for Spiral Clicker 0.05. So, I figured I'd make a fresh post about it so it's easy to find. I started off this set of live updates with 6 new convos with Amber. I have some new features I want to implement that require some new art first, so I'm going to be working on convos first then move on to bigger feature implementations next. 


Spiral Clicker Live

Get Adobe Flash Player . Embedded with the help of embed-swf.org . Download here 1/25/19 updates: - 6 C...



the last 2 conversations with Amber are a bit... funky


yw -^_^-

Anon Girl

I didn't see anything wrong with the last conversation, but Lunaraia is right about the 2nd to last one having overlapping text <a href="https://i.imgur.com/gaXcawl.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/gaXcawl.png</a>


after teh final conversation ends there are several seconds before you return back to the main game with no dialogbox or anything


I'd just like to say that conversations are a great addition and I recommend more of them.


Thanks, I am planning to add conversations for all the characters.


it seem that mys ave has vanished XD oh well i get to do it all over again :D


There's a graphical glitch on startup in the newest release that causes the game to crash.


So far there is a graphical glitch on my end, the only thing that I've so far been able to do to replicate it is clicking really fast (might be also right clicking as I am using a laptop mouse pad). The grapic is probably that of the spirals that pop up in which its unending causing it to be this weird wave that reaches to the middle of the screen. The only way I seem to have found to fix this on my end is by deleting my save.


Hello! Is it intentional or a glitch, that for every 25 level on the clicking power the current cost of the spiral is doubled?


That would be a glitch, I will take a look at why the spiral's cost is increasing from the click upgrade.