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This is the patron release of Adventure High 0.54. Unfortunately, stencyl is being a pain and won't compile into flash for some reason, so I'm forced to try the executable version. There are a couple of minor changes as a result; now the number keys on the numberpad won't work; so you can use space or Z to advance dialogue, and only the main keyboard numbers will work. 

The list form of this update looks small again, though this time I did add some rather lengthy scenes. 

Here's what's new in this version of the game:

- Book alternate to Eric's enslavement added.

- 1 Scene for Kate' enslavement added.

- Kate's personality change sequences added.

- 4 scenes added to Monster Girls plotline.

- 1 scene for Kate's charming added.

- 1 scene for Julia submissive plotline added.

- Cassandra can be targeted by the Possess spell.

- 2 scenes added for Cassandra's possession, with CGs by Caveman Doodles.

- 1 scene added to Rescue Girl Plotline. (In dungeon)

- 1 scene added to Rescue Girl plotline. 


Private Beta

Current Lowest Dungeon Floor: Floor 21 If the game does not respond at first, you may need to click within the borders of the game to focus the browser on it. Basic Controls: WASD/Arrows: Movement in Dungeon Enter: Open party menu, fast forward in conversations.


Joseph Conlin

I get an error saying my PC cannot open file as an archive.


When will you update the walkthrough page to reflect these and the changes from the previous versions?


I have been slowly adding more to the walkthrough, but I haven't updated the version number on the walkthrough because I haven't finished getting it fully up to date yet.


Hi, I'm a new patron and I was wonder how I download the beta. I clicked download but I am not sure what to do after that.


click on the download link, then use 7zip or winrar to extract the .rar file. You can then play by using the executable inside the folder. I used to have it embedded in flash, but a few days ago Stencyl stopped compiling in flash and forced me to switch to exe.


I downloaded and unpack the folder it has a swf extension. I am unable to find a program that runs it.


Thank you I got it to work. I have another question, is there a way to increase the size of the window? Because when I open the game it only covers a small portion of my screen.


It should contain an executable in this version. swf would be an older version.


Unfortunately, I can't make the window larger. In stencyl, the only way to have varied screen size options requires me to have multiple versions of every image, which leads to the filesize more than quadrupling; and unfortunately, the game won't compile at all if it exceeds about 140 mb.


Is there a way to make the window bigger?


Unfortunately, there is not. With Stencyl, the only way to give size options is to have duplicates of each image for each size which pushes the game's filesize up too high for Stencyl to compile.


Now I get an error "Could not load module std@get_env_1"


could you describe the steps you are taking to download and play the game?


I downloaded it from your blog page and then extract it with RAR Zip Extractor.


And then I click the application icon AdventureHighLive


I figured it out. The only thing you can unpack it is 7-Zip


Yeah, it's kind of weird, some people can only get winrar to work, and others can only get 7zip to work. I'm not sure why.


What's the trigger for the Corrupted Submissive route? I lost the fight to Cassandra, but when I do the scene in the library with Sarah Cassandra never shows up.


That scene occurs if you are playing as Rosa. the easiest way to get Sarah under Cassandra's control is to befriend Sarah but not enslave her. She will eventually try to make you stand up to Cassandra, and you can enslave her on Cassandra's behalf. The next part then happens when you get three or more slaves.


Thanks for the quick response. To elaborate on my problem a little bit, if I lose to Cassandra and then choose the submissive options (Yes Mistress, etc) I can continue on the plotline as normal, but if I choose the other options, none of the events past meeting Cassandra in the item shop will trigger. If this is intentional I understand, but the dialogue seems to imply that the route should continue.


the next scenes in the submissive route occur as you increase Cassandra's affection towards you. You can do that by buying love potions, or by healing her when she commands you to.


Is there a walkthrough for this version yet


I have not had a chance yet to make a walkthrough for the latest version, but you should probably be able to find an updated walkthrough on the AH wiki.