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This is the public release of Adventure High 0.52. Here's what's new in this version of the game: 

- 3 scenes added to Julia's Arsenal Plotline.

- 1 spell added for Julia.

- Julia can learn to randomly chase monsters away with insults.

- Cassandra now causes strange effects when using liquid life potions.

- Bear Claw in the submissive version of Sarah's home plot is now beatable using Cassandra's potions.

- Victoria's Library scenes added.

- 2 spells added for Val

- 2 spells added for Molly

- 1 floor added to the dungeon

- 2 scenes added for Julia on the new dungeon floor.

- 1 spell for Ashley added.

- One scene added to Ms. Rack's romance plotline.

- Sigil added to Floor 20

- Notes added to Floor 20

- Drape's 3rd Secret Class added.

- Jane's 3rd Secret Class added.

- Ms. Rack's 3rd secret class, and bimbo alternate class added.

- Dr. Tiff's 3rd secret class added.

- 1 scene added for Cassandra and Sarah's plotline. 


Adventure High 0.52

Use your power of Control Magic to become a hero... Or villain!



not sure why, but I can't get the 2nd puppet scene to trigger for Sara, teh scene where you actually turn her into a puppet, I have done all the usual steps, but the scene simply won't trigger for whatever reason


I haven't changed anything about that sequence recently, so it should work the same as it used to. I will double check on it though.


well i followed the walkthrough steps the only thing i can think of thats the cause is that I enslaved Val but didn't enslave Sara, mainly due to not properly paying attention when i clicked but still. Wanted to do it that way to see if i could puzzle out how to get Cassandra to show up in the house event and beat that damn bear


My tester just said that he was able to get it to trigger yesterday, so doing her doll plot is possible. A common thing forgotten about is triggering Jane's lessons; you do need to start doing her lessons for Sarah's doll plot. Some other requirements are to get Sarah's affection up, increase her level, unlock stone skin, and advance in the dungeon.


her affection is so high she sighs happily when i use flirt on her, she's level 17 and i have reached floor 12, doing every secret class on the way there, not sure what else I am missing honestly.


not the secret classes, Jane's private classes. The ones where she has you test spells on Molly.


ah that would explain it, not sure how to even trigger those right now TBH :/ I might actually have screwed myself over there come to think of it as i refused to admit that I were charming people


Her plotline continues whether you deny or admit to controlling other students. to continue it on the control route, you need to enslave another student.


i did enslave julia and now also julia's sister... but still nothing on that front aside from that only other studen is Molly or casandra and enslaving cassandra is kinda against what i am trying to do sincei am trying to get her to be at the house and I think i cna't have her as a slave for that


three slaves should be enough to get Jane's first lesson. It should take place in her classroom.


which has no events ATM I guess I could farm enough gems to turn molly into a succubus and see if that works out but if it doens't I am out of ideas


You did mention charming earlier; charming and enslaving count differently. Did you use Charm instead of Suppression for putting them under your control?


use confuse + supression to get julia, supression to get Val and supression as per the even to get julia's sister


please tell your tester that I did NOT enslave Sara, as well which might be the devil in the details


Yeah, Sarah does not need to be a slave for her doll plot. Another question; how did you do Ashley? Did you break her mind, or did you cure her then enslave her?


i haven't advanced that plot any further than the very first nab on floor 1, let me guess I need to resolve that entire plotline before she counts as obtained.


yeah, she doesn't count as a slave until her mind is fixed. That is to prevent rescuing her from shunting a playthrough out of the heroic route.


solved the issue, i just nabbed the enchantment shop owner instead, problem solved.


now I just need to figure out how to fidangle things with cassandra so i can have her be at the house as well, mind giving some pointers?


All you need for Cass to follow you to her house is to be Cassandra's slave when doing Sarah's home plot.


ok this is an actual bug: when you get the note on floor 20 you can repeat Tiff's class ad infinitum, unfortunately because of this any and all events pertaining to tiff are locked out because that single event will block ALL others until it's done


So is there a way to get Victoria without playing the hero path?


yeah, if you enslave enough characters she will confront you, and you can give her The Book during that scene to enslave her.