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This is the high res version of the Crystal Loses.. Or Wins drawing by Chien. 




As much fun as that would be, I don't think Chien is an animator. xD

Marty McLatex lover

Naww shucks, I cant blame em I tried (and failed) to learn myself, it still an awesome picture!


Yeah, I've tried to learn how to animate as well and it was dubious quality. xD I probably need to get a bit better at art it's self first lol

Marty McLatex lover

Well they say practice makes perfect! They also said to not look at lewd things so maybe they just lied to me lol


Well, I guess they were right about one of those two things. xD I've looked at a lot of lewd things and I turned out totally normal. :P

Marty McLatex lover

Looks at pic......yeeeessssss we’re both very normal lol


God, I love Crystal. This is so good.