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Live updates have begun for Adventure high 0.51. I'm starting this set off with a new scene with art by Hilent for the NG+ bimbos plotline which branches off of the bimbo ending.


Live Updates 3

If the game does not respond at first, you may need to click within the borders of the game to focus the browser on it. Basic Controls: WASD/Arrows: Movement in Dungeon, selecting spells and targets in combat. WS/UP-Down arrows: Pan images larger than the screen Enter: Exit Dungeon, when in bedroom open party menu, fast forward in conversation.



when does the NG+ bimbo scene appear?


It should appear after you try to stop Val from turning Ms. Rack into a bimbo and get the alternate scene with half-bimbo rack. Then, it happens automatically on the streets after reaching hte 8th floor.


Sorry to ask, but- how do you get to the preceding scene, in that case


You need to be Dan (or use a potion), then in a bimbo-world NG+, start going on that path again. There will be a point during Val's bimbofication of Ms. Rack where you get a new dialogue option as a result of partially remembering it happening before. If you try to stop Val, she misunderstands and it leads into the new plotline.


I'm trying to go down this path but after choosing the new option, the Dr. Tiff storyline starts up and Val leaves while also begining whatever the new plot is and the game's progress stops since you can't get Rack to help you with Tiff now.


I'll work on fixing the conflict then. In the meantime, you might try enslaving fewer characters?


I did a file where I did the bimbo steps first and I saw the scene you added. But then I kept playing through the game and when the Tiff storyline kicked in, I tried to use cassandra to get through it but somehow the game is in a glitch state where tiff no longer exists in the game. And by proxy, Val is gone forever now too. I tried it both by enslaving cassandra and by being her slave and going through corrupted submissive. I'm not expecting this to be fixed or changed overnight. Pure speculation form the outside - it's as if the game keeps calling for the same character to be in multiple locations or states while other functions "lock" characters in a way that prevents the storylines from playing out. With both Rack and Val locked in their new bimbo states, the rest of the game seems to struggle with what to do since whatever changes need to be made to them (both from the player or the program itself) are unable to be applied. Again, just my take as an outsider looking in.


Yeah, it's possible that them being in another personality is messing with things. I'll look through the code as soon as I can and try to get it fixed.


how do you play this?


You need Flash to play it. Some browsers have been auto-disabling flash lately. As soon as HTML5 export becomes stable I am going to switch to using that.


It's not the best walkthrough, since I am bad at writing instructions, but I do have a walkthrough here: <a href="https://changermcgame.blogspot.com/p/introduction-game-can-be-fairly-non.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://changermcgame.blogspot.com/p/introduction-game-can-be-fairly-non.html</a>