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This is the high res version of the Tammy Loves Tennis drawing by Andaerz. 




newest live version has a bug when trying to level up your characters, if they are in their naked outfits the level up minigame doesn't display the girls at all, it still works, bot no nicely empty eyed gals, also naked elf still have non-glazed eyes, is that on purpose?


That was reported earlier and I think I had fixed it. Is it still doing that in the current version? I just checked on Sally, and her naked minigame seems to work. It is intentional that Helen has normal eyes even while naked; she is going to have more dialogue later which would not look quite right with blank eyes as she speaks.


Where can one access the lasest version of spiral clicker?


If you look in the "live updates" pinned tag, it should be at or around the top of the results.