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Hey everyone, I have another Mind Conquest question. I've been thinking about the puzzle for bending characters to your will. It feels still somewhat clunky, so I'm wondering if I should try redesigning the way the puzzle works to help make it more challenging and intuitive than it currently is. But I thought I would ask if you guys have any opinions on the way the puzzle works now, and if you have any comments on how you might like to see the puzzle work in the future.



I don't dislike the puzzle as much as I don't understand it the entire thing seems to follow it's own rules and I don't understand how different channels play into doing different stuff or cause specific moods, it's just confusing to me honestly


The idea I am going for with the puzzle is that mental connections influence how a person feels about a topic, and each channel is a group of mental connections. By associating traits like Obedience with positive memories and ideas, it makes obedience seem good. I think having several layers on one board the way it is makes it more confusing though. I'm trying to consider if there is a way to keep the general idea and theme, while making the puzzle easier to understand and allow for interesting and engaging challenges.


Yeah I just don't understand it myself either. I get the reasoning I just don't understand on how to make it function. hopefully we can make it work as it seems like a good idea, but as is I must say I dislike it.


I enjoy the mind puzzle, but I think it's less that I find it fun and more I enjoy messing with their minds and seeing their reactions.


I like the idea of the puzzle but dislike the execution.


Agreed. I enjoy being able to roll them through the stages of fear, love and obedience to see how they respond.