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Got this one from Chien, for Erika's underwear outfit CG in Spiral Clicker. 




Cool updates. A couple things I want to critique. The buttons on Tammy's screen are in a different position than they are for Erika and Sally. The windows for the upgrade mouse and upgrade spiral text seem a bit out of place when you aren't trying to buy anything. I think it might look better if those windows are hidden unless you are mousing over one of the two upgrades. Sally's Love/Hate text is outside the text box (At least it is at the high level I'm at, maybe the lower level ones are aligned). I got the mouse upgrade to level 176 and the cost is now negative (-2125939536), though it may or may not still function correctly. It won't let me buy more, but I don't have a lot of points to spend at the moment. And thanks for Erika's CG, it looks nice. :3


I will fix the button positions on Tammy's screen. I'll also see if I can make the windows for the upgrades disappear when not in use. I will fix Sally's love/hate text. I might have missed one of the later ones when testing. Hm, probably hit the limit of Stencyl's numbers for the error there. I am going to have to work on managing number inflation probably. I will work on it.


I can't seem to unlock the 4th CG for Erika I suspect it was because I were already past level 100 with her when it was added, or does it unlock on level 150?


Oops, sorry. Somehow I misread the levels that it goes up by and made it 150 when the pattern suggests it should be 125. I'll fix that real quick.