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Got this one from Chien Vietnam for Erika's Maid CG. I will be working on adding it to the live updates to the game today.




L-l-lewd! ...wait, right. Forgot where I was for a sec. You know, today I was thinking "Yea, Spiral clicker isn't some amazing game, but it's amusing for some mindless fun" and chuckled at the double entendre.


Mindless fun is the best kind of fun. ;) But nah, I am planning to try to improve the gameplay loop. I think I just need to add some more characters before I can get a feel for what exactly is lacking at the moment to fix it. I'm always open to feedback and suggestions at any time though.


Hmm... possible things we've seen from other clicker type games. The ability to reset back to square 1, but with a prestige bonus or something. In which case you design the game so it eventually gets too difficult without resetting, and then the bonus helps you go further. Another possibility is to have things occasionally appear on screen, and you have to click on them for a bonus. You could make controlling the girls a little more nuanced. Like, perhaps you can train them in different ways? I don't know, but a light degree of management could make it more interesting. I'm not sure.


I am not sure about a reset button. I might do it if I can find a way to make it add to the fun in the game, but the way I see it done quite often, it really acts more like an artificial barrier than an engaging mechanic. Some kind of additional form of direct management over the girls would probably be a good idea. Possibly skill trees or something along those lines. I am planning to add some click-ables, but I haven't decided on what they should do yet.


Yea, you got the right idea. No need to rush into anything. Just give it some time and think it over. If I come up with any clever ideas, I'll be happy to share.