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The Live updates for Adventure High 0.50 have begun. This update is beginning with two new scenes which will lead to Derrick's enslavement if you enslaved Angie, as well as all of Derrick's personality change sequences and giving him to Cassandra.


Live Updates 3

If the game does not respond at first, you may need to click within the borders of the game to focus the browser on it. Basic Controls: WASD/Arrows: Movement in Dungeon, selecting spells and targets in combat. WS/UP-Down arrows: Pan images larger than the screen Enter: Exit Dungeon, when in bedroom open party menu, fast forward in conversation.



I think I found a bug. I have enslaved angie and when I had her enslave Derrick he appears in my room but the only thing that happens when I click on him is that the character icons dissapear. Also after enslaving Derrick when I click on Angie in my room I can't change her and the option to play with her doesn't do anything.


I have a fix for Derrick uploading. I'm not 100% sure what is wrong with angie's scene following that. Maybe she has a stuck expression? I added a check to the previous scene to make sure her expression returns to normal.