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Working at the speed of sound, I have the demo functional for Spiral Clicker. I will probably wait until I get at least a few more characters and CGs before doing an actual version release, but I figure I would post this for you guys to check out in the meantime since most of the game mechanics are now in place. Feel free to leave any feedback that you have, as that will only help me make the game better. 


Spiral Clicker Live

Get Adobe Flash Player. Embedded with the help of embed-swf.org. - Demo functional, Sally added with 4 unlockable outfits. - Game automatically saves once every 5 seconds while on main page or a girl's page. - Game tracks Willpower per Second generated by enthralled characters while game is closed.



Bugs found in the live version that should probably get fixed too: once you unlock a character and back out you can't get back in to that characters menu, further more you can't click the spiral anymore as clicking now moves that character around on the bottom of the screen instead. Once you unlock sally's third outfit if you change to it then back to one of the older ones the 3rd outfit can no longer be changed into, not sure how high tier you need to get too to unlock the 4th tier but i got to Tier 20 with her, at which point Sally had just an absurd amount of HP, given that I could no longer update my spiral since backing out would prevent me from reentering her menu.


The Lingerie outfit unlocks at tier 25. I have fixes for all of those problems up now hopefully.


hey changer new patron here just wondering when the next update is planned for?


I am adding new content to this game as I get art for it. I will do a full version release once I have enough characters and CGs to make a public demo look good enough to have a good first impression.


Can you unlock nudes in game? I'm at tier 100 and I don't have them


Hey there! New patron, and it seems that the 7/29 version is the one available, but you have a 7/31 release note? Would you be able to update the link please? Thank you!


Updating the .rar version now. Sorry, I will get better at doing that sooner or later.


Sorry about that. She has a higher tier requirement to unlock her outfits, but I forgot to make the text reflect that. A fix should be uploaded now.


Hello again! Would like to report that either the bonuses specified in the 08/10 update are not working, or are not displaying properly: <a href="https://i.imgur.com/XnsACsv.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/XnsACsv.png</a> Also, if I can offer a bit of feedback: Amber begins to get very difficult to level, very quickly; I had all 3 others to level 100 or higher, but struggled to get Amber past level 40. (I've restarted to test the issue I mentioned above.) I'd recommend perhaps either turning her cost increase slightly down (I do understand she should be harder than the others though!) or perhaps slightly adjusting spiral/click upgrades upward again. Probably the former, as like I said, I was able to get the others to 100, but Amber was at a point where it was extremely difficult, even with the auto-clicker I had saved around from Cookie Clicker. :3 Oh, and no need to apologize - I'm simply responding and offering feedback / reporting bugs because I'd like to help make things better for the game. :3 Have a nice day!


The percent bonus from upgrading the spiral does not display on the settings page; instead at those levels the power of the spiral increases by 10% when leveling up. The bonus displayed on the settings page refers to bonuses from unlocked bonuses from characters. Sally gives a 10% bonus when reaching tier 5, which I forgot to write into her stats. I did notice a bug which prevented Amber's willpower from being added to willpower generation so I fixed that and will be uploading that fix now. Hopefully that helps with getting the levels needed to increase her tier. Going to work on AH mostly today as it is the last day of the dev cycle for AH for the month.


Absolutely! I totally understand and even expect making AH the top priority. I wouldn't ask you to drop everything and jump on things just because I bring them up (though I appreciate that you did!). I have some experience with programming in general, and I understand that new features and bug fixing can be time-consuming. I only hope to point them out when I find them (or think I do), so that in the future when you are able it can be fixed and improve the overall experience for everyone who plays. :3 Have a wonderful day!


I can usually program relatively quickly as long as I know how to do the thing I'm programming. xD I appreciate the feedback, I am trying to do my best to keep the game improving so it can be fun in it's own right. Although my stuff has a lot of mature content, I try to do my best to not simply use the mature content as a crutch.


Hello! I'm playing the non-beta 08/26 release! Just wanted to mention that when characters are nude, and you go to mindbreak again, they are not visible and the flash and multiplier at the end doesn't display. If you could look into that when you have time. Thank you!


I completely forgot to add their nude forms to the mindbreak game. I'll work on fixing that.


I noticed between the Beta and Live versions the spiral and click powers are much higher for the Beta version than the Live version which makes it hard to unlock CGs and such for characters like Amber.


I had fixed a bug which was causing the wrong bonuses to display. The same actual values are still in affect though. I am going to add some more level up bonuses in a few minutes though which might help.


Sweet I also think I found a bug where when the game is restarted Helen never shows up to be unlocked even though I have every character at atleast tier 50


That is an odd bug. Helen unlocks differently from the other girls, so I'm not sure if that variable is having an issue when you restarted. It should unlock Helen when 4 characters are unlocked total, regardless of level.


Hey again! I hope I'm not being bothersome, I'm sorry. ^_^ I'm playing the latest live version, just wanted to point out a couple things - one graphical and one play-related. The graphical one is that the spirals in the mindbreak game put a "hole" in the characters' (all) heads, revealing the background. The gameplay related one is that I can actually click on Helen before I have 100,000 willpower, and try the minigame to induct her for free. If successful, I can just start leveling her up normally. :3 Anyway, thanks for working so hard on this! I always love getting that notification that there's been a new update from you on this and other work!


No worries, the more bugs are reported on the better, since it gives me a chance to fix them. I can't seem to reproduce the hole in the actors bug. I will get the other one fixed though.


I took a screenshot: <a href="https://i.imgur.com/4h4xL30.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/4h4xL30.png</a> This was produced with an auto-clicker which does make the issue worse, but even with just rapid tip tapping on the mouse button it does show up a bit: <a href="https://i.imgur.com/9tElSER.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/9tElSER.png</a>


Must be a glitch caused by so many overlapping actors. I'll see if I can write some code to limit the number of them


just added that bit of code, I have it set to limit the number to 35 spirals at a time, I can reduce the number of it continues to cause problems


Heya! Decided to patronize you because of Spiral Clicker, played through all CGs and all outfits, looking forward to future updates. I've got one "bug" report and one question. The "bug" as I put in quotation marks I'm sure is just an issue of a single letter being typed wrong - when the Willpower gets into the Billions, it's abbreviated with a T, not a B. My question is that I notice all of the girls end up with empty eyes in their final picture except for Helen and Sally, the prior retaining her clear-eyes even when her status changes to indicate her enslavement and the later being replaced with... uh... spiral-lens glasses. Is this intentional? And if not, when do you plan on changing this?


For a small suggestion, it'd probably be good to limit Crystal's bonus. I got her up to tier 1000ish now, she shows 67% barrier reduction and the girls I've tried are showing 0 needed for their next levels.


Yeah, I am trying to figure out a math formula for diminishing returns on her bonus...


Hey there! I'm playing the 9/21 build and I can't seem to access Katherine's minigame. The others are still working fine. Thank you! :3


at what point is it failing to work? I am trying to track down the problem now, so any other details on what exactly happens will help


I was able to unlock her, but the button to begin her mindbreak game after that does nothing when clicked on.