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Mind Conquest is coming along pretty smoothly, and mainly the next update is waiting on a fair number of art assets so I can add more kingdoms and heroes to it. So, to have something fairly simple to do code-wise I'm tinkering with the idea of a clicker style game. 

I've always had an interest in this kind of game, but most of the ones out there are made unfun by unfriendly design based around forcing you to spend money to speed things up, or ignore it in the background all day every day in the hopes that you can unlock something a week from now. So, I figure it would be interesting to take the idea and try making it more consistently engaging and rewarding on it's own. 

The general concept would be that you click on the spiral to make it spin, and as it spins faster, it "drains" willpower and adds it to your bank. You can then spend your stored willpower to subvert the will of the various girls along the bottom of the screen. 

The initial unlock makes the character begin donating their willpower to your bank, rendering them submissive. With further upgrades, they become more submissive, change into more revealing outfits, and unlock new CGs. 

I am using a couple of AH characters in this concept art, to show what I mean visually, but I am planning on having unique characters for the actual game. 

This is something fairly different from the other two games, so I have no idea if it is something you guys would like to see more of. Feel free to comment below if you like or dislike this concept. It won't take away from either of the other games at all, I will be working on it mainly when AH is done for the month and MC is not ready yet for me to start working on it. 




I would be very interested in something like this, especially if I could carry it around offline with me on my Android device.


I have no idea if I would be able to make it on android, but I will be designing it in a resolution that should work on Android so that if I can do it, I would be able to export it without needing to change anything.


Would definitely be interested in this


I would love to see what you do with this


Yes 100 %


Sounds like an awesome concept!


Looking this over, which seems like a very interesting concept...I get the feeling Changer is trying to hypnotize us XD


The concept sounds interesting. and if you decide to make this into a game, then I will be looking forward to that day.


This sounds like exactly the sort of thing I'd like. Make it as animated as you reasonably can, with a decent roster, and it could be amazing.


I amused as much as I am with any clicker game. It could be fun. But they have a limited lifespan. I'm not gonna say "DO IT NAO!", but I would play it some, sure.


I would very much like to see this made.


That sounds like a neat diversion, I'd certainly be interested in seeing it.