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This is the public release of Adventure High 0.48. I uploaded this version to newgrounds, as a few major improvements are in this one; such as the new soundtrack and dungeon design. If you can vote on it, it would help the game get more visibility. 

The normal game page is of course updated as well here: http://changermcgame.blogspot.com/p/current-play-now-page.html

 Here's what's new in this version of the game. 

- Can cast Flirt on Molly to ask her out.

- First date with Molly added.

- New music added for town areas.

- New music added to battles.

- New music for Dungeon added.

- 1 Scene for Julia added to Redemption route.

- Library scenes for Ashley added.

- Ashley play scenes edited to match her correct hair color. (at some point it slipped to being dull brown, but should be a reddish-brown)

- Can transform into Molly on the streets.

- 2 scenes for Bimbo Teacher plot with Ms. Rack added.

- 1 scene for Cassandra Conversations added.

- 2 scenes added to Sarah/Cassandra plotline.

- 2 scenes added to Cassandra Milkpumps (submissive)

- Dungeon tiles updated.

- 1 scene for Erin added, with art by Caveman Doodles.

- 1 scene added to transformation lesson plotline. 

- 1 scene added for Reese.

- 1 scene for Ashley added.

- Ashley can now be dated.

- Dr. Tiff will punish your girlfriends if they are dating you at the same time she is upon being defeated in battle.


Adventure High 0.48

Use your power of Control Magic to become a hero... Or villain!