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Hey everyone. Not making this one a poll exactly since the number of options would be mind boggling but this is a poll-like post. Since I've begun this set of updates for Adventure High, I figured I would ask again what subplots/plotlines in the game you guys want to see more of. 

Leave a comment on the post with which plotlines (such as romance plotline for a certain character, or backstory plotlines for certain characters, and so on) you want to see more of, and I will try to focus on getting more scenes in some of the more popular suggestions done for this update.



more of the Submissive plotline please -^_^-

robert story

julia as a dom giggles


Just curious but do you have any plot lines that involve any body swapping by any chance


There is a period of time where you are body swapped with Julia during the heroic route.


More sub of either Julia or Cassandra


More of both sub plot lines

Chandetina Etheris

Julia and Ashley backstory or Val and Ms. Rack


What I would mostly like is for some storylines to be more connected than they are. Right now you have a lot of points that can be reached only through a very specific sequences of events and places where the wrong dialogue choice unceremoniously ends the plotline. So I'd like more alternate routes to hard-to-reach places.


I don't know if this is a plotline so much as an idea, but I would like to see more interactions between Ms Rack and Val. Them chatting, Ms Rack offering advice, Val playing with or polishing Ms Rack's wooden form in your bedroom so it resembles furniture, the two of them helping you fight back against Cass.


Or... More of Cass dominating the main character as a cowgirl while milking her.


Personally, I would like to see expansions to the romance plotlines, mostly Julia's and/or Ashley's. Maybe a plotline where you retrieve your slaves with Ms. Tiff as your lover. Other than that, maybe include more scenes with Ghost Mom and other slaves. As for the major plotlines, I'd like to see the continuation of the Heroic plotline, or for the Student/Faculty Control plotline, go after whoever controls the school, like a principal or so. Sorry if this sounds vague or overwhelming, just tossing in my two cents.


My favorite has always been the submissive line, with Cassandra as dom. More of the being milked would be nice but also I think it would be cool if you merged the submissive line with some of the existing ends. Such as if you try Bimbo World as Submissive, Cassandra will intervene and she will use the spell for herself turning everyone but her into a bimbo. Or giving Cassandra the book and becoming her slave through the book.


More of the heroic plotline, please.


Sarah's Mom seemed interesting with the possess ability, but i guess that one is done...


Either of the submissive plotlines.


Forgot to add: introducing the ability to play with slaves along with your chosen lover, maybe with each (Val, Julia, Ms. Rack, etc.) preferring one slave in particular.


Jullia submissive plot, more bimbo stuff and maybe some main story?


julia submissive, more bimbo stuff. It'd also be great if there was some cheat codes, so that it's easier to get back to a route we accidentally locked ourself out of.


There is a cheatcode, actually. In the bedroom type up up, down down, left right, left right, b then a, for exp proficiency amd gems