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Hey everyone. We had a lot of growth last month, so a couple of things related to that. The first is that I have begun looking for a new artist to add to the team. I'm not sure exactly how long the search will take; as I want to make sure they can keep up with the quality and style of Caveman and Hilent. I will let you guys know as soon as I've found someone.

The second thing is that I've put in a large commission from Hilent for brand new avatars for the entire cast. (A rather daunting and expensive task I have not been able to afford until now. The entire package once completed will be nearly $2,000) 

Once that is finished, in addition to the avatars being higher quality, there will also be no more weird size inconsistencies, hard to read facial expressions, or flicking and bouncing when switching between characters. Also, expect to see more actual expressions from the main character as well.

Some slightly bad news is that shortly after making this commission, Caveman sent me an email to let me know that his work pace will be slowed a bit because his main job is getting a heavier workload temporarily. So, between that and Hilent being busy with the new avatars, this month will most likely have fewer art posts than usual.

So, for anyone new; the lower number of posts that there will be this month is not the norm. We generally try to keep a steady flow of new work for you all to enjoy; and of course the update will be on time as usual. 

Thanks for all of your support. Without it, I wouldn't be able to put as much time into the game as I do now. Hopefully we can make it be as good a game as it can be.



I just found your Patreon and have to say I love the artwork :) Just wondering if you have any plans to add any voices to your projects? If so I'd love to discuss anytime!


I'm not sure if I will add voice work to any of my projects; definitely not adventure high though, as there is just way too much dialogue to voice it all, and having some scenes voiced and other not voiced would give the impression that some plotlines are more important than others.


Ok, just thought I'd ask. If you ever want to do a walkthrough video or an advertisement or trailer sort of voice video, I have had people do those even if their game isn't voiced. So just keep me in mind if any hot ideas strike you :) Best of luck!