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Hey everybody. We've got a lot of new patrons this month; almost a hundred. So, I thought it would probably be a good idea to remind everyone to set a maximum pledge amount that they are comfortable with.

I know that especially for people who have pledged before to monthly campaigns it can be easy to miss that this is a per-post campaign. Not that every single thing I post is paid though; announcements, polls, and things like that are free posts. Game updates, art and short stories are paid posts. 

I do this both for the inherent accountability; I only get paid when actual work is being done, and because it makes it a lot easier for me to tell how much art I can afford to commission for the game each month.

By setting a max pledge, you can ensure that you never get charged more than you are comfortable with, no matter how productive we are on any given month. If you prefer the monthly format, you can effectively still do that by setting your max pledge to match your current pledge.

Thanks for all of your support. Hopefully live updates will begin later today. I am currently writing the first scenes of the update, and will post it as soon as they are finished. 


Nine Horse Hitch

Congratulations on you growth Changer.


Where do you think your growth comes from if I may ask? Word of mouth, forums, Newgrounds, etc.


My guess is newgrounds since I was able to post the game on newgrounds again last month, but I'm not sure exactly.


I figure a large portion of the adult game supporting audience is over on Newgrounds. Seems whenever one is highly rated you see a surge in the related Patreon page. You say "able to post" I figured there was a limit but what is it exactly? An upload every few months?


It was a filesize limit of 100mb, which I had exceeded a long while ago. A couple months ago I hit a problem where the filesize of the game caused stencyl to fail to compile which lead me to finding an image compression site which reduced the total filesize of the game from 130mb to 60mb. So, last month was the first month in a while that I could actually upload the game to the site.


Oh wow I didn't know that. I'm putting together the first build of my game and I didn't even consider the limit being as low as 100 mbs


Yeah, hopefully I won't hit the limit again soon. Good luck with your game though. :)