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Just finished drawing this piece for the next part of the Cowsandra Conspiracy. The fact that her body proportions are quite a bit different from normal is plot-relevant. 

I'm going to be trying to draw for the game again now that my quality has gone up enough to passably emulate the style of the new art in the game. any feedback would be appreciated, as I can still correct any problems there are in the drawing. 




Is there a walkthrough for this plot line yet?


This scene isn't in the game yet; and will be in the next version. to get to the start of the cowsandra conspiracy you need to make Cassandra a willing slave as a cowgirl, and find the chest on the 13th floor


I have an other question. Any chance you make it possible to have the game on Android devices.


I've been trying to get it so mouse controls can do everything so that could become possible; however, some of the functions are still glitchy, and I'm not sure how saving/loading would work in the new system.