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If you guys happen to remember, Cucu did a few pieces for the game a while back before getting busy with some other work. In the meantime, she and her dev partner got their game up to it's first release. So, I figured I'd give it a signal boost in case those of you who liked her artwork might be interested in checking it out.

The first part plays a lot like a helicopter game, if you remember those, where your aim is to collect hearts and avoid obstacles in order to get the girl to climax. Apparently, future versions will involve sexy exorcisms, so that will be neat. xD


Sexy Exile - Prologue / X-Mode Demo (v0.1.0)

Heavenly booty and earthly pleasures ahead!



Played the demo yesterday, surprisingly difficult XD Maybe I just suck at those kind of games. Regardless I like that she's (I think Cucu's a she) doing something different. Maybe not my prefered game style but it stands out amongst other R18Plus projects

Ranginald Vagel

Game looked good, I couldn't get past stage 2 because I couldn't get the hang of the physics(maybe because I had bad fps for whatever reason)


Managed to beat both levels, you get an introduction to the starting situation. Apparently you are an angel that had decided to desecrate the Holiness of the big boss daughter. To punish you, he decides to make you be useful by making you a mortal and exorcise some demons on earth. (yes, to do so you have to have sex with them). He meets his neighbour, who is a cute school girl, and decide to use her as "practice"


Woot 16:9, Wooooooooooohhhhhhh