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Hey everyone. A few days ago Patreon rolled out a new system for pledges which they claim will make things better, but if it does I'm not seeing how. So the way Patreon worked before, as you may know, is that you pledge 1 dollar, with a 1 dollar cap you get charged 1 dollar. 

Out of that dollar, I then pay a percentage of that to cover payment processing. In order to make this "easier" on creators; or at least, supposedly to make this easier on creators, Patreon is changing it so instead if you pledge 1 dollar, with a 1 dollar cap, you actually get charged $1.35, of which the 35 cents go to payment processing, 5 cents go to patreon, and then I get 95 cents. 

Now, they want to pretty this up, they want to say that it's just making the math easier so creators can confidently know how much they are getting at the end of each month. That is, of course, a lie. 

I know this, because in the analytics I can find no fewer than two different numbers for everything. My first post of the month is worth 525 right now? Well, in my analytics it says it's worth 855 dollars. And the post it's self says it's worth 612 dollars because it doesn't account for patrons who have left after the post had been made. This makes it neigh impossible to actually understand how much money I am making; yet, they will not fix that problem for some reason.

No, what this change is, is Patreon attempting to increase revenue by having everyone end up paying a little bit more than they were before.

I can't really do anything about this though; there is literally no other platform through which I can fund my games, writing, and art the way I do here. I wanted though to bring this to everyone's attention so you guys don't get caught off guard by the change. 

As you will be charged more than you were before, I would suggest that you reduce your maximum pledge so that it accounts for the new cost. This would also be a good time to remind any of you who are new that as this is a per-post campaign you should set a comfortable maximum pledge anyway so you are never charged more than you are comfortable with. 

Thanks for all of your support though. Without it, I'd still be working at the sewer during the day and my game would probably only be on version 0.20 instead of 0.41 by now. 



You can fund your game on Itch.io as an alternative while keeping your Patreon. Cypress Zeta who makes Snow Daze the music of winter does that! :)


That so interesting! They make a lot of not good change in Patreon.


Yeah, I have donations enabled on there. It's not quite the same as patreon, nor as ubiquitous though.


Yeah, it's not been the best recently. I mean, I guess technically they are still "The best" in that they have basically no competitor in the service they provide, but these new changes have been for the worse it seems like.


I can't see a link to your Itch.io on your front page :/


I have a link to it on the sidebar of my dev blog, but it is here: <a href="https://hypnochanger.itch.io/adventure-high-hentai-game" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://hypnochanger.itch.io/adventure-high-hentai-game</a>


This kind of sounds like a sales tax situation. In a physical store, there are normally additional costs (fees or taxes). Normally the store automatically adds these to the price of the product, so that the costumer, not the business, covers the additional cost. It sounds like this is what Patreon is trying to do. In stead of subtracting the transaction fee from your donations, patreon will start to add the transaction fee to our donations. If the system works right this should mean you get more of what I intended to give you. I haven't decided whether I like this set up or not, but I'll be okay if it works out that way. Keep us posted on how it turns out.


It means you pay more and Patreon does not subtract the fees from the creator, BUT if you want to pay the same amount, you have to lower your donation, meaning the creator gets less nonetheless. It is just a scam to make this whole process a whole lot more obscure.