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Got this one from Caveman Doodles for a new scene with Val if you use the shrink spell on her. You will be able to do it outside, or in the school hallway. 



robert story

is this in the newer version or will it come later

robert story

how do you enable the scene i have tried both places it says i failed when i tried to cast the spell


You need to cast transform on her (without her enslaved), from the main menu's spell menu, then cast shrink during that conversation.

robert story

thanks i'l try that in the next play through

robert story

i tried it again when she wasn't under a spell and it stil didn't work

robert story

i cast transform but it comes up failed


where exactly are you when you cast the spell from the menu?


Another thought; are you playing the latest version? It should have 0.42 on the intro screen.

robert story

the hallway shortly after you two come back from the dungeon in the hallway i use the cheat code after the first trip into the dungeon

robert story

yes but i cast it in the school hallway when we get back to school when you tell val her small talk needs work


Ok, you don't cast it in the conversation. You cast it from the spell menu within the main menu.

robert story

thanks i finaly finaly got it to work :):) thanks