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It's been a little while since the last part of this story was released. That hurricane messed my schedule up a good bit so I've been focusing almost exclusively on Adventure High since then. 

Anyways, this part is about 1800 words long, and involves themes of f/f, tech control, and artificial love. I'm not sure what the poll was at when it otherwise would have closed but as of now the winner by a fairly wide margin was the option for Ariel to play with her subjects and then send them to find her a lab partner. 

So, give this part a read, and if you have any thoughts on what direction you would like the story to go next, leave a comment below. I'll put the most popular, and my favorite comments into a poll during the public release and everyone will vote on what will happen next.



The final digger, will be dealt with. If not by the collar, than we must, she cannot let this word spread, of our actions. AS for our hopeful new assistant, the collar makes them to stiff, a new method is made, to ensure she is more 'animated' should be devised of ensuring our 'aids' assistance. Once prepared the collar would be removed and the new aid indoctrinated. Also likely wise to learn what you can of your new subject.


Pretty much what I would suggest, though if I might offer up some refining? Our blonde friend needs to be made a willing accomplice so as to help with our public endeavors and avoid raising suspicion. Perhaps a chip to make blondie and whoever our new assistant will be more willing to help, disguised as something benign such as jewelry. Getting to know those who work with, and under, us is very important. While controlling their general thoughts and actions is necessary, it would be worth our time to get to know them, see and understand what it is they can do with, er, for us. If someone needs improvement, now's the time to find out.