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We finally made it home and everything is destroyed. I didn't even think it was possible for water to destroy things like this without momentum. All the doors were still closed, so inside the water should not have had a strong flow. Still, every table and desk was toppled. Many not even in the same place they were at. The kitchen island was in the pantry. The fridfe was literally upside down. Mold is literally everywhere and there are signs the house has shifted off the foundation. Tablet delivery is still delayed as well. So... still unable to access a real computer. I saw a bestbuy in beaumont was open so I'll head over when I can and see if I can get a netbook or something in the meantime, if they have any in stock. I've attached a pic of the neighbors house, they had a team pull everything out of theirs so it makes a fair indicator of what things will look like for us.




Dude, that sucks. Least I can do is up my patreon donation for a bit - don't worry about content until you have had a chance to get your home situation sorted out. Thanks for the update.


My condolences. I'm sticking with you & wish you the best. Glad you were not hurt.


Good luck man, we're here for you


Thanks. I do want to get back to making content as soon as possible though. I enjoy getting to make stuff. xD