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So, I'm a bit stressed out currently; Patreon recently updated their rules and began a new crackdown on content. While I've been okay so far, I'm always super nervous about getting in trouble here. 90% of my income comes from here and if I lose it, I will be homeless before long. 

So, I'm going to be running a growth drive focused on the other site I can get support on in order to hopefully get at least to the point where I don't instantly lose everything if something bad happens. I'm not sure if Patreon will be angry if I link to or say the name of, what is effectively a competitor to themselves so to be safe I'm not saying it here. ^__^; 

I'm just kinda a very stressed and nervous Changer right now. Thank you all for your support so far. It really is the only thing that allows me to do what I do. Without your help, I really can't do much of anything. 





Graeme Cracker

Can we vote for Suckfire (succeed in an inconvenient way)?


suckfire would probably be backfire mostly; as backfires will advance the story, but in a faily way.