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Stacey is fully aware that she's getting too fat. Her partner's eating habits have been rubbing off on her big time and are disasterous for her waistline!

To finally try to lose some serious weight, Stacey had planned an entire exercise routine. She got a stretchy fitness outfit and some other exercise items. But everytime she just had exercised or was about to exercise, Dekster would ruin her routine by constantly buying or ordering food for both of them without her knowledge. So everytime Stacey was even able to exercise, she immediately would gain back all of her burnt calories double or even triple the amount! Her stretchy fitness outfit she bought only a month ago had already gotten stretched  to it's maximum capacity. Her massive boobs would already spill out of them from the top, and her swollen gut would spill out from underneath the shirt. Those yoga pants also reached maximum stretch capacity. Her giant swollen rear was at the point of starting to tear open those poor yoga pants...

It became harder and harder to decline Dekster's meals. Right now it had almost become impossible as Stacey is slowly getting more hooked on them. She also doesn't like to disappoint Dekster as he's always so sweet for her. So once again she has to change her exercise plans to make room for her 3rd fastfood meal this evening...

Stacey and Dekster © Fixala~Nagini




It looks like the yoga is making her gain weight and make the couple happy