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Ordering everything on the menu from all 9 food stands!


Couple of years later, Pebbles now had a full blown junkfood addiction as well! She and her mother barely ate anything else but fastfood these days. Pebbles' boobs only sagged further to each side of her rapidly growing fat gut, getting heavier and flatter with each pound she gains. Her mother has gotten even bigger! Becky's breasts had gotten so full of blubber, that they now started to resemble regular fatrolls resting on top of her giant fat stretchmark covered gut that was already sagging down past her knees. Her tail now so big and swollen with lard, that she couldn't move it anymore. She had to constantly drag it over the floor while walking, which drasticly slowed her down and affected her mobility very badly. Both of their faces were getting fat as well, especially Becky's face! Even her snout was now forming fatrolls!

But luckily they could cover the entire foodcourt just in time before the mall closed! Only to stuff their faces again once they got home.

Becky and Pebbles © Fixala~Nagini



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