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Another 6 years went by, and Stacey didn't do anything to stop her weight gain at all. It only seemed to accelerate. Healthy food was barely being touched anymore, and fastfood was now fully being embraced. It was only a year ago that Stacey started to eat multiple portions of her favourite junkfood. In the last 6 years, her weight gain had been slow and steady. But when she started to eat multiple portions at once, things started to change quickly and started to get out of hand!

Since Stacey started to eat more and larger portions of her favourite fastfood one year ago, something changed inside of her. She was already hooked on junkfood for the last 12 years, but it was like an even greater appetite rose up inside of her since she experimented with eating 2 big pizza combo's instead of one. At this little moment her appetite took an absolute turn for the worse! All of her daily meals were now replaced by at least 2 or 3 large mega combo's of her favourite fastfood restaurants per meal. The amount of weight she put on during last year was shocking.

Stacey immediately outgrew almost all of her clothing and underwear, forcing her to buy and wear stretchy sweatpants and stretchy yoga shirts that would grow with her and last a bit longer than regulair clothing. Because of her rapidly swelling breasts, fupa and butt, she could no longer wear underwear anymore under her clothing. Also cellulite and stretchmarks were ravaging her skin at a shocking pace. Her face was somehow still untouched by the rapidly growing amount of bodyfat surging through her body. But the sudden enormous increase of junkfood intake finally took it's toll on the last remaining piece of beauty on this vixen's body. In just the last 2 months her face went from normal and pretty, to fat and chubby, ruining her last piece of beauty...

Stacey doesn't even care about her body anymore and is only getting sucked into her junkfood adiction more and more. She doesn't even deny anymore how incredibly fat she has gotten. She just wants more.

Stacey © Fixala~Nagini



Tim Bob

Uh oh. Someone is looking pretty fat and she still has two pages to go.