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Valerie was a cute 30 year old eevee lady who was really in the need of a job. She found out that there was a job opening in a "Fat Boy Burger" diner. She couldn't believe how much she was going to make hourly! And that was even without the tips included, which were also massive!

When she aplied for the job, she was immediately accepted! When she set foot in the diner for her first shift, she saw a huge variety of waitresses. They all had figures from slim to almost immobile. The Immobile waitresses were fully naked somehow. 

Valerie was being greeted by a big fat dog lady named Lesley. Lesley managed this diner but was also waiting tables herself. She was eager to show her around. She told Valerie that in all "Fat Boy Burger" diners across the country, it's the main theme that waitresses are being fed by custommers. That's why almost all the custommers that visit here are male. Valerie didn't care too much to maybe gain a tiny amount of weight as she was only gonna do this job for maybe a month as she had bigger plans of becomming a model after this job.

Lesley also told Valerie that this is the only uniform she will get, and if it somehow "ripped apart" that she wouldn't get a new one! Valerie could see that Lesley's uiform wasn't that far away from completely ripping off of Lesley's body. "She must have worked here for a very long time!". Is what she thought. What she didn't know is that the once slim dog lady had only been working here for just 2 weeks!

The last two parts of this weight gain sequence will only be available for supporters of the "Fabulously Fat Tier".

Valerie and Lesley © Fixala~Nagini




Hehe, her thighs are already tearing those stockings

Ethan Mathena

Is this gonna be continued because if it is I’m exited


Yes it is, but I am very slow with my artflow this month... It's just so darn hot that it tires me out very much, leaving me without any energy to draw... I can't wait until autumn begins