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One morning the doorbell rang and Loky was already waiting directly behind the door like an excited puppy. She immmediately opened the door, and could finally see who the mysterious person was behind the ever increasing pie deliveries! It was a very overweight vixen with red hair. The vixen got a little spooked by Loky's sudden move, but ultimately introduced herself. Her name was Victoria and she got all of those pies from a factory who accidentally added way too much cream to truckloads full of pies in all kinds of flavours. The company wanted to throw the whole batch out, but luckily Victoria was there all those weeks ago to ask the company if she could have them. Loky didn't care at all about why she brought all those pies to her specific, and quickly opened one of the boxes and started to devour an entire pie in just 2 minutes in front of Victoria. Victoria offered to bring in the pies as Loky had already began on her second pie.

2 weeks went by and Victoria was already feeding the pies directly to Loky in her livingroom. Loky had gotten so enormously fat in those 2 weeks, that she had gotten immobile. She didn't fit into her clothes anymore and was now living on the couch completely naked. Victoria had cranked up the portions very rapidly, and was now constantly feeding her all day long. Loky got fat so quickly because of this, that she was completely unrecognizable and completely ruined. She didn't even care about getting fatter anymore. Her mind had gotten so corrupted by the enormous food addiction, that she could only feel hunger the entire time and she only wanted more and more. Loky's once beautifull hair, had gotten very sticky and filthy, and had gotten in the way of feeding her constantly, so Victoria shaved it all off. Loky had gotten so big, that you could barely see the couch anymore as she almost covered it entirely! She got blinded by the fat into her face a week ago, and her ability to speek was also as good as done for. Her head had gotten simply too fat for that. She also hadn't taken a shower for almost a month now, making her covered in filth and almost drowning into a pool of her own sweat. The remains of the couch underneath her was completely soaked in filth and sweat.

Victoria was also constantly eating some of the pies herself, making her even fatter. It was getting harder to reach down to another pie as her own growing fatrolls got in the way more and more. Her speech was also getting slowly worse as her fat cheeks, double chin, neck and her lip only got fatter. She was also developping problems with her eyesight. Her face had accumulated so much blubber already, that it now started to bloat her forehead. She already couldn't see down anymore because of her constantly swelling cheek and snoutrolls. But she now also started to have trouble looking to her sides as well, as the fat was slowly creeping from her cheeks around her eyes into her forehead slowly swelling up every part of her face it came across on it's way to her forehead. She could now only look straigh forward and up.

Victoria had now managed to fatten up her 5th eeveelution girl. She has crossed the halfway point!

Which eeveelution should be next? The poll will open shortly!

Loky and Victoria © Fixala~Nagini




She's so close, to completely overwhelming that furniture... I think she'd be most elated to find out she had <3