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A week went by and Ricky was still being dragged from dumpster to dumpster by her tail. Getting bigger and fatter by the day. Her legs were already so fat that she could barely walk anymore. One day she stumbled upon a rather fat vixen woman in a dark alley behind a big fastfood restaurant, who promissed her she could help. The rather shady looking vixen hooked her up onto some kind of a large tank with multiple hoses conected to it. She stuffed a hose into Ricky's mouth and an even bigger one into the mouth of her tail. The big vixen turned on the valve to empty the tank through the hoses right into Ricky's body. It turned out to be a tank filled with old used frying oil! Ricky tried to spit out the hose, but her fat cheeks and lip caused the hose to be stuck into her mouth. The only thing she could do was swallow. She was too exhausted to simply try to run away. Her tail on the other hand was eagerly swallowing the gallons of higly fattening liquid! The fat vixen woman introduced herself to Ricky who could feel all of her bodyparts slowly swelling up. The vixens name was Victoria. It turned out that Victoria was behind the strange looking fruit that turned her tail into a ferocious eating parasite. A few hours later Ricky's body had turned into nothing more than a big blob of fat. All of her bodyparts had swollen so badly that she was completely unrecognizable. Nothing about this big fat blob hinted that this was once a young pretty girl...

Victoria had now managed to fatten up her 4th eeveelution girl. She's almost halfway done with her experiment! Too bad for her, her feeder habits now really start to rub off on herself as well. Her thighs, butt, boobs and belly are seriously swelling up with a serious amount of blubber! Even in her face it's starting to get out of hand quickly!

Which eeveelution should be next? The poll is now open!

Ricky and Victoria © Fixala~Nagini



Nat Da Rat

Patreon really needs to sort out the load times already.