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A little delayed Christmas/New year themed picture! ^^; Luckily it's finally done!

It's new year's picture time! Victoria's potionmaking business is doing so well that she finally managed to save enough money to build an entire new room for Kelly! A room with enough floorspace and a high ceiling to make sure it'll take a while before Kelly outgrows this one as well! Kelly had just been fed with an enourmous amount of junkfood. Even when that happened just an hour ago, Victoria had already ordered another truckload of left over junkfood. Kylie in the meantime is wondering if she heard Victoria correctly while stuffing herself with all the left over christmas treats spread all around the house.

Next to her passion of chemistry, Victoria really likes to pamper Kelly. She especially likes feeding her. Kelly used to be as curvy as her 2 older sisters, but didn't really have large boobs like them. Especially Kylie's. But one day Victoria decided she liked to fatten up both of her younger sisters. Kelly was always very submissive towards Victoria, so she greatly took advantage of that! Victoria always used to prep food herself when Kelly was still able to walk and talk. One day she decided to stop cooking by herself as that took too much of her time. She also stopped fattening up Kylie as all of her fat mostly went to her breasts, making them even bigger and bouncier than they already were. Victoria got jealous of that, so she decided to only fatten up Kelly from now on. She started to order all the leftover food from multiple junkfood places around town for a good price!

Of course over the years the portions had only increased in size and before Kelly knew it, she was completely immobile and was completely dependent on Victoria and Kylie. Kylie usually helps Victoria by cleaning Kelly every now and then but all of the feeding is always done by Victoria. She just loves to see Kelly getting bigger and fatter over time. It didn't take long before Kelly had developped speech problems as her face had gotten really fat. It also didn't take long before she was completely blinded by all the fatrolls in her face. She also quickly lost her ability to talk completely. Of course Victoria plumped up quite a bit as well as she was always snacking some of the junkfood herself while feeding Kelly.

It lookslike Kelly's body has slowed the storage of fat in the front of her body, and it is now targeting the other side of her body at a very dramatic rate! In a few months her body developped some MASSIVE big fat backrolls! Also her butt had grown dramatically beyond recognition! Her tail got completely swallowed by her back fatrolls and butt cheeks months ago, and right now I don't think we are ever gonna see it again...

Victoria, Kylie and Kelly © Fixala~Nagini



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