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All the parts and the 3 storyparts combined!


Delphine was a very pretty and exotic looking, but also very sweet fennec girl. She was following dance classes in her free time if she didn't have to work as a cashier in a large clothing store.

She was pretty good at dancing and combined with her looks she made for quite an attractive girl! She wasn't being unnoticed by the boys in her danceclass, who would flock around her and were showing off in front of her every chance they got. Delphine always had to giggle everytime another guy tried to impress her.

But being this attractive does also have it's downsides. Unlike most other girls in Delphine's danceclass, there are always a few girls that are extremely insecure or unbearably jealous whenever they see Delphine being that attractive and a very good dancer. Also receiving all of the attention from the boys is something that can upset a few individuals.

Mandy was one of those girls. She was a rather fat pig girl who wasn't really that pretty at all. She had a nerdy look and was always covered in acne. She also didn't really have a good looking body. She didn't have that many female curves. She was very flat chested (even when she was this fat), didn't really have a nice behind as it was kind of weirdly shapen. Her legs were kind of skinny in comparison with her belly. Her belly on the other hand was a massive ball of sagging fat hanging far from underneath her shirt. It was covered in stretchmarks and had some cellulite as well. She alsways showed up to the danceclass with way to tight, old worn clothes full of holes. Delphine never really tried to talk to Mandy as she was kind of rude and was always covered with a horrible sweaty smell.

One day at danceclass Mandy had enough as she realized Delphine had partnered up with Mandy's crush. A muscular tiger named Byron. They were rehearsing for a big play at the end of the month. Mandy decided she had to act sooner or later. Mandy decided that if boys weren't interested in her, than they should stop liking Delphine as well. She had to make a plan to make everyone and especially boys stop adoring Delphine so much. She had to make a plan to get rid of Delphine's beauty. Mandy was an excellent baker and cook, and came up with a neat little idea! She especially needed a rather exotic ingredient!

Once Mandy arrived at home, she immediately looked on the internet to find the important ingredient. She came across a twitterpage of a rather mysterious dark vixen named Victoria. She turned out to be a praised, well known expert in the potionmaking business! She was perfect! She immediately ordered the ingredient she needed. It was quite expensive, but if it really does what Victoria wrote down in the advertisement, than it's more than worth it!

The ingredient arrived a day later, and Mandy started to bake right away! She made some cookies with the ingredient and once they were ready, she wrapped the box in a nice red ribbon. That evening when she went back to danceclass and she gave the cookies to Delphine right away! Delphine was kinda overwhelmed by the nice present and thought Mandy gave it to her because maybe she felt sorry for always being so rude to her, so she didn't really think very much of it. She didn't eat them right away, what kinda frustrated Mandy a bit.

When danceclass was over 3 hours later, Delphine was now very hungry. When everyone went home, Delphine stayed behind to clean some things up. Mandy meanwhile decided to hide behind a big mirror. Delphine looked at the box of cookies she had received from Mandy earlier and opened it carefully. She slowly took a bite out of one of the cookies. They were quite tasty! Meanwhile behind the mirror Mandy celebrated quietly when she saw Delphine take a bite out one of her cookies! "That should already be enough!" She quietly whispered to herself. Delphine felt a bit funny when she swallowed the cookie. Her head went..... fuzzy. She felt kinda... weird... She left the studio and went home. Mandy did the same thing when Delphine had left the building.

When Delphine layed in bed that night she was still very confused... She felt... the need to.... eat.... She quickly told herself she can't overeat if she wants to stay fit. But soon that same feeling came back, but this time stronger. She then gave in and decided to eat the rest of Mandy's cookies as well. After all, she's exercizing daily and it's just a few cookies. "Those couldn't hurt, could they?" After she ate the rest of the cookies she went back to sleep, but quickly woke up by a very powerfull urge to eat. 10 times worse than earlier! She just had to order a pizza! And maybe, just maybe a burger or 2 after that? Oh and don't forget the icecream!


The weekend went by, and the dance class continued on monday evening. Mandy was super excited to see how Delphine was doing! Delphine usually arrived very early before the dance class would start at 7:00 PM. But Mandy waited and waited, but she didn't arrive. Even when the dance class started she still wasn't there! Everyone in the class started to worry as well as Delphine still wasn't there. She also didn't leave a message or call to the dance instructor that she would be late.

Then finally around 7:30 PM, Delphine stumbled into the dance studio very apologetic. "I'm so so so sorry!" She said. "My food didn't arrive on time and the battery of my phone was dead!" Everyone was kinda shocked when they saw her. She usually looked super energetic, well dressed and groomed, but right now she looked very tired and kinda shabby. That wasn't the main thing they were shocked about. They mostly gazed at her once tight trained stomach. It looked painfully bloated and was sticking out. Mandy was standing in the back of the studio quietly giggling. She was very pleased with the results so far, but she knew this was only the beginning! She couldn't wait untill Delphine actually got fatter! Much fatter!

During the rest of the dance class, Delphine could barely move because her belly was so painfully packed with loads of junkfood. Around 8:30 PM she finally gave in to the pain and had to sit down for a bit. Her belly was hurting too much to continue. The dance instructor and all off the boys in the dance class immediately took care of her and laid her down on one of the benches at the side of the dance studio. Laying down actually helped to get rid of the pain, and in about 30 minutes the pain was mostly gone! But like saturday and sunday, she immediately felt hungry again. Luckilly she could dance once more for the last hour of the dance class without much pain.

After dance class was over, the dance instructor asked Delphine if she could stay to talk for a bit. He was pretty worried about this whole scene that happened tonight. Delphine explained that since last fridaynight, she had this huge inappeasable feeling of being very hungry all the time, and that it didn't go away. Not even when she would completely stuff herself with all kinds of food. The instructor advised her to go talk to a psychiatrist, and if she didn't feel good to dance like last night, that she doesn't have to force herself to come to the dance class anyway. Delphine agreed and went home.

When Mandy arrived at home she just couldn't believe how effective that ingredient was! "That b*tch must have eaten the ENTIRE box of cookies!" She said to herself, laughing out loud. "She will be so f#cking obese soon!" But at the meantime she knew that Delphine would run out of money soon if she kept buying food the entire time, so she made a little plan! Mandy was a huge gamer and was pretty good at it! She decided to enter a tournament of some kind of a cheap fast food game. She won the tournament and won free fast food for over a year! Instead of her own adress, she wrote down the adress of Delphine's appartment a few blocks away from Mandy's appartment. Obsessed as she was, she apparently new exactly were Delphine lived!

The next day Delphine was baffled when she found out she had won free fast food for over a year somehow. She was kinda sceptic about it, but with another night full of snacking and stuffing her face, she didn't even question it. This ment she didn't have to spent another penny on food anymore! With her belly still bloated from another midnight stuffing session, she immediately ordered multiple pizza's from all around town.

Delphine quickly developped a new daily routine. When she wakes up at 9:00 AM, she orders breakfast from multiple places around town. When she finishes all 4 bags of breakfast snacks around 11:30 AM, she immediately orders again from multiple sandwhich places. When she finishes all 3 backs full of sandwhiches around 1:00 PM, it's time to order some snacks! She orders almost 20 boxes packed with the biggest juiciest donuts in town! Around 2:00 PM, she's halfway done eating all of the donuts. The other 10 boxes she takes with her to her work for when she has her break. When she's done working at her cashier job at the big clothing store around 6:00 PM, she immediately takes the bus and quickly orders at least 5 pizza's from all around town, instead of preparing herself for dance class starting at 7:00 PM. When she arrives at home, it doesn't take long before the pizza's arrive. When she's done with all of her pizza's, she takes a shower and goes to bed at around 11:00 PM. And around 12:00 AM, she orders a few bags of hotdogs to avoid getting hungry during the night. She never made an apointment with a psychiatrist however.

2 weeks went by, and Delphine never showed up to dance class during that period. People in her dance class were really worried about their best and prettiest classmate. Especially the boys. Of course Mandy knew exactly what was going on with Delphine, but she wisely kept silent. Then all of a sudden 30 minutes before the end of class, they heard the door to the dance studio open and close. They all looked around and there she finally was! But their cheering quickly turned to a huge shock when they saw the state of their once so beloved pretty fennec girl. She had gotten so fat in those 2 weeks! Her breasts must have grown over 5 times their original size! Her thighs and butt had swollen to almost 3 times their previous size, and her once slim belly had swollen into 2 large fatrolls with her bellybutton now squished in between them. Her breasts were now resting firmly on top of her belly. She had also developped stretchmarks on multiple places. They were especially visible on her belly and breasts. Delphine was still wearing the same top and skirt as she always used to wear. It could barely hold her imensly swollen breasts and her huge plumped up behind! She was also carrying a bag full of hamburgers. Mandy couldn't believe her eyes! "She... she's just....... so... big!"  is what she thought. She was in a complete shock! She never could imagine that it would happen so quick! Before anyone could ask Delphine about any of this, she walked calmly to the dancefloor and asked if she could participate for the last 30 minutes.

After dance class was over, the dance instructor wanted to have another talk with Delphine. A very urgent one this time! When everyone went home, including Mandy, the instructor had no other words than: "Explain yorself young lady!" Delphine told the instructor with a confused look on her face, while eating her hamburgers, that she tried to controll her never ending urge to eat all the time by trying to exercising once again. But that it didn't work. The instructor then asked her if she had tried to seek any help at all by going to the psychiatrist like he ordered her to do. She answered with "No..." The dance instructor then told her that if she doesn't want to help herself, that he couldn't help her either, and that she was not welcome at the dance class anymore. He of course didn't know that this wasn't Delphine's fault. She had been infected by Mandy's spiked cookies weeks ago. At this stage, her mind is even beginning to fade as the thought of eating more food was completely flooding her own thoughts more and more every day.

When Delphine got home that evening she was of course devastated. But those feelings quickly got flooded with another urge of extreme hunger. So the first thing she did was order as much as she could and eat all night.


Delphine's life had changed a lot in just 2 months. She wasn't welcome at her dance class anymore and she isolated herself a lot from all her social contacts. The only thing she has done ever since was eating. Eating a lot! She already tripled her daily food intake since last month, and she doesn't appear to slow down anytime soon.

Her once beautiful face was now shockingly bloated and incredibly mangled by loads of fat. It was also covered in pimples. She looked like a completely different person. Another species even! Her already swollen breasts had gotten even more massive. They had gotten so stuffed with fat that they had swollen to the size of 2 over inflated yoga balls. They were resting firmly on top of her badly swollen bellyrolls that had gotten even bigger and heavier. Her belly had gotten so fat, that it had already sagged down past her knees at this point. Her butt and thighs had gotten massive as well. Delphine started to have trouble fitting through doorways and in her shower as a result of this. Also none of her clothes would fit anymore. She had to go out wearing this same exposing outfit every day, and even this outfit looked like it couldn't hold on for much longer. Her body was also completely covered in stretchmarks and cellulite, which were getting worse by the day.

The only thing that kept Delphine from just overeating in her appartment all day long was her job at the clothing store. She was still active there, but wasn't a cashier anymore. She couldn't fit behind the cash register anymore, and had also outgrown her uniform multiple times. So she had gotten a job in the back office of the clothing store behind a computer. She always had a large bag of junkfood with her and was eating the entire time when she had to work. After the end of her daily 4 hours shift, she still went home by bus. She always took up 2,5 seats and people were always staring in disgust or in fascination about how someone could ruin their body as much as she had done. Once arrived home she would completely gorge herself again with truckloads of free junkfood without stopping. It was not a surprise that she only got fatter and fatter by the day.

Meanwhile a few blocks further, Mandy was kinda concerned about her plan. Had she gone too far? She hasn't seen Delphine for over a month now. She decided to wait outside of the appartment block were Delphine lives, hiding behind a corner. She knows Delphine arrived home from work everyday around 6:30 PM. So she waited and finally after 10 minutes of waiting, there she was! Heavily panting and sweating, Delphine arrived at the building and went inside. She was lucky that the entrance of the appartment complex had a double door, otherwise she would have had a very hard time squeezing in her increadibly obese rear and thighs through the door! Mandy couldn't believe her eyes! "O..... MY.... GOD......... She's... she's completely.... ruined..." Mandy still hoped for some reasons she could enjoy the sight of a now completely wrecked and ruined Delphine, but for some reason she felt... remorse... for what she had done. A few months ago it seemed like such an amazing idea, but to see the result in real life in front of her own eyes was actually... sad... really sad... Mandy went back home feeling completely confused and sad. She thought completely destroying someone else's beauty would make her feel better about her self, but the exact opposite was true. Now she also had to deal with an immense feeling of guilt. She felt like  she had to come clean about this to someone...

The day after a night of crying in bed, Mandy told the entire truth to the dance instructor about what she had done to Delphine. The instructor was furious! He realized he had yelled at Delphine all those weeks ago without knowing that Delphine didn't start this and that she couldn't controll her own mind anymore. He demanded that Mandy went to Delphine to tell her the truth herself. So that's what she did. She went to Delphine's appartment and rang her doorbell. After a few seconds the door opened and there Delphine was. Horribly morbidly obese, almost immobile, completely unrecognizable, and topless she stood in front of Mandy, stuffing her face with all kinds of greasy junkfood. Mandy could peek behind Delphine into her appartment and saw it was completely trashed with high piles of empty junkfood packaging and trash. Mandy directly told her the truth and started to cry very badly. But Delphine didn't react at all! She just stood there in the door opening, barely acknowledging that she even stood in front of her, still completely stuffing her face. Mandy realized that Delphine also had to be mentally completely ruined. All she could think about was food and completely stuffing her face.

Mandy went back to the dance instructor to tell him the whole scene she experienced at Delphine's place. But when she arrived back at the dance studio, there were 2 police officers waiting for her. The dance instructor had called the police on her and she got arrested. He had also called the police to Delphine's appartment to check her up. The officers were of course met with the same sight at Delphine's doorstep as Mandy did 30 minutes ago. They took her to a clinic were Delphine would stay for a few months and got psychiatric and medical treatment to regain controll over her own mind and body.

Delphine slowly regained controll over her own mind again and was immediately treated for her realization of her completely ruined body. Her sadness was quickly transformed into acceptence. Her severe eating addiction was also treated as far as it could and she got medical checkups daily. For being this horribly obese, she surprisingly didn't have that many health problems other than skin issues and mobility problems of course. After 2 months she was done with her treatment and could go home again! In the clinic she had learned that she would never get her old figure back as her body was too heavily damaged by the enormous amounds of blubber that had severly damaged her skin permanently. She had learned to love the way she would look from now on. Those therapy sessions were a big success! She accepted her new body very well! She didn't even want to lose ALL the weight she had gained!

A day later Delphine was looking online for a new job as she had to quit her old one because of her long stay at the clinic. She came across a well known plus size modeling agency that badly needed an extra big exotic looking model! She would get paid more than double per hour as she had done with her previous job! She immediately took some photo's of herself and applied eagerly. She received a call back from the agency that same day! They were very thrilled with the way she looked and she got the job immediately! She could start the next day! At that moment, she was the happiest vixen alive!

Even though she could never return to dancing and the way she used to look before her immense uncontrollable forced weight gain, she was now more succesfull and happier than she had ever been before!

~ End of story! ~

Delphine + Story © Fixala~Nagini



Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-23 16:10:15 Actually kinda fucking happy that there was a good, happy ending at the end of it all :33 really am happy to see something different out of this whole sequence, and really can't wait to see more stuff like this, in the story sense, and the drawing sense~ <3
2021-12-21 05:02:12 Actually kinda fucking happy that there was a good, happy ending at the end of it all :33 really am happy to see something different out of this whole sequence, and really can't wait to see more stuff like this, in the story sense, and the drawing sense~ <3

Actually kinda fucking happy that there was a good, happy ending at the end of it all :33 really am happy to see something different out of this whole sequence, and really can't wait to see more stuff like this, in the story sense, and the drawing sense~ <3

FixalaNagini (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-23 16:10:15 Thank you very much! I am glad that it's being appreciated! &lt;3
2021-12-21 05:12:56 Thank you very much! I am glad that it's being appreciated! <3

Thank you very much! I am glad that it's being appreciated! <3