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Morana had to think long and hard about the decision to gain some weight. She really didn't want to, but if she ever wanted to be a world known model, she had to comply with the conditions of the agency. "I'll never get a chance like this ever again in my entire life!" she said to herself. So against her own will Morana had to get fatter.

2 months went by and it was clear that Morana's body was suffering big time. Her once beautiful thighs, butt, belly and breasts have been getting packed with this filthy, body destroying blubber. She was getting ready to go to this model agency once again to show her progression. She wanted to put on that same expensive red dress she had worn last time, but found it hard to squeeze all of her grossly swollen curves back into that dress. Even her heels didn't quite fit as well as they used to do. The straps were digging into the flesh of her ankles that were beginning to turn into cankles. On her way to the modeling agency, Morana got stared down by even more people than ever! Instead of admiring looks, she got mostly shocked looks. She also started to feel her dress tearing on her thighs, belly and boobs.

Morana finally arrived at the agency. The CEO of this modeling agency was already waiting for her in the lobby. She was this big, thicc, pretty, red haired, vixen. With a dark tone in her voice she led Morana into this photo studio. Before she could even ask if she was big enough for the agency, the CEO rolled in a trolley packed with fattening junkfood, and forcefully shoved it into Morana's mouth!

More to come after this part!

Morana © Fixala~Nagini

