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All combined into a beautifull chart!


This Glaceon girl named Nina, had a big desire that she had always kept a  big secret to everybody. One day she was thinking about it again, when  she suddenly got struck by some kind of a beam of warm energy. Kind of  confused she wondered what that was. She started to feel pressure build  up in her body and was feeling kinda "bloated".


That laserbeam had corrupted Nina's body. Her clothes start to pop and  tear open! All of her curves started to fill with loads and loads of  fat! Nina couldn't believe what she was experiencing! Especially her  belly and thighs exploded with fat!


Lookslike Nina doesn't mind getting obese at all! She actually likes it!  The fat is now mainly focussing on filling her belly and breasts that  are now breaking out of those now ill fitting clothes of hers. She's  also starting to form some serious stretchmarks and cellulite by the  amound of fat and the speed of it forming into her body!


Nina had fattened up to an ridiculously unrecognizably size... And STILL  liked it! That once cute pretty face and beautiful body are gone  forever though. Victoria is everything but happy about Nina's reaction!  How can a hot girl with a blessed figure feel so good about the complete  ruination of her body?! Doesn't she know that this is irreversible and  that she will be stuck like this for the rest of her life?! Victoria is  really confused at this moment. But Nina actually had fantasised about  being this big for almost her entire life but never had the nerve to  actually procede this dream. But now she doesn't have to anything thanks  to Victoria!

Liked this sequence? Then you should definately vote in the poll of the next eeveelution that needs a weight gain sequence!

Nina and Victoria © Fixala~Nagini
