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Now you can compare each part with one another!

Part 1

This beautiful young Vaporeon girl named Madelyn or "Maddie" as most  people call her instead, encountered a strange drone like object. Before  she could inspect the weird drone properly, it fired some kind of a  hypnosis beam directly into her eyes and corrupted her entire mind. It  directly filled her mind with just one message: EAT, EAT, EAT!!!

Part 2

The only thing Maddie's corrupted mind could think of is FOOD! And EAT,  EAT, EAT MOOORE!!! That once beautiful body of hers is rapidly filling  up with a thick layer of fat.

Part 3

Meal after meal after meal after meal is being consumed. And if she  isn't eating big fat greasy meals, she's eating a sh*tload of very  fattening snacks... That poor dress has lost the fight against the ever  increasing pile of fat underneath her skin... It seems like her shoes  are popping open as well! The fat also must have found its way into her  feet... The corruption of her mind only seems to become more severe by  the day...

Part 4

Soon Maddie got so incredibly fat that she couldn't walk anymore. It was only then when the evil mastermind responsible for the drone and the complete wreckage of a once beautiful girl's body, finally revealed herself. Of course it had to be Victoria! She entered Madelyn's livingroom and immediately got her hooked up to some enormous lard tanks pumping loads and loads of lard directly into Maddie's body. 2 tanks had already been consumed by her. She was still under Victoria's hypnosis, so she only enjoyed being filled to the max everytime.

Victoria would gladly undo the hypnosis, but Maddie's eyes were burried deep within her enormous fatrolls from her forehead, muzzle and cheeks, making her completely blind. This ment that Victoria couldn't undo the hypnosis. Not even if she wanted to. Victoria didn't care at all. She has now a new toy to play with!

Liked this sequence? Then you should definately vote in the poll of the next eeveelution that needs a weight gain sequence!

Madelyn "Maddie" and Victoria © Fixala~Nagini
