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A few weeks went by, and Sanurah was now locked inside of the royal bedroom of the palace. She had accidentally knocked over one of Borrus's statues with her rapidly swelling rear. Multiple times per hour every day Borrus's slaves entered the bedroom with dishes full of crocodile meat. She wasn't allowed to eat anything other than that. The slaves were being told to feed every last bite of it to her. So they gladly did that. Sanurah however tried to refuse the meat but got overpowered by the huge swines that were feeding her. So she had to accept every chunk of meat they forced down her throat.

The changes to her body are already dramatic. Her once pretty slim figure is now gone forever. Her once beautiful belly is turning into nothing more than two huge fattrolls sagging further down every day. Her once pretty breasts were getting so big and heavy by all the fat poring into them, that they were feeling all painfull and heavy, and were resting firmly on top of her fat belly. This was the only top that would (kinda) still fit over her humongous boobs. Her butt was once the most beautifull one of entire Egypt. Right now it has accumulatet so much fat that she keeps knocking down stuff with it. Her thighs are also getting thicker by the day and are starting to feel uncomfortable while walking. And then her once beautifull face... Her cheeks are getting puffier and fatter and her snout is starting to accumulate some fat as well... All these changes are happening under the plessure of Borrus who's getting more powerfull by the day.

The entire kindom has now turned into a giant hell on earth with the people living under constant fear of being arrested and/or being tortured by Borrus's Scrofa tribe members for not worshipping their new emperor. Borrus is getting so deranged by all the power and wealth he now owns, that he's loosing eye for Sanurah who's now constantly alone locked up in the royal bedroom constantly being fattetend more...

Sanurah © Fixala~Nagini



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