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This is Sanurah. She's the queen of one of the most wealthy and succesfull civilizations of her time. Ancient Egypt. Although being queen of such a prosperous kingdom, Sanurah didn't really dressed herself into much juwelery and other enrichments. That perfectly reflected her personality as a caring queen who did not want to keep all the wealth of her kingdom just within her palace. She shared a lot of all this wealth with the rest of her kingdom. That made her pretty populair among the Egyptians!

But this generosity towards her kindom was sooner or later proving to be a weak point of her policy. Because of the big amount of wealth her kingdom possessed, she was also a target for other kingdoms/tribes that greedly wanted to get their hands on this wealth as well. 

Sanurah didn't spend too much on maintaining her army as she unsuspectingly thought that there couldn't develop a war within her kingdom because of her generosity towards her people. She was kinda right about that, but she foolishly never acounted for a threat from outside of her kingdom. And that was exactly what was about to happen!

One morning, Sanurah was rudely being awakened by one of her palace guards that were all female cats just like her. (She only hired female cats as her palace staff) Although completely in panic, the guard told Sanurah that her kingdom got attacked by an enormous northern tribe consisting out of huge male piggs, swines and boars overnight. Sanurah's unprepared army was no match for this huge tribe and they already were aproaching the royal palace! Sanurah ordered the guard to leave the royal bedroom so she could get dressed quickly. Once Sanurah hurried herself out of her royal bedroom it was already too late. The tribe had already forced itself into the royal palace and captured all of her female staff...

Sanurah froze with fear as the entire hallway towards her royal bedroom was filled with her staff being held hostage by big buff piggs and swines. In the middle of all this mess the leader of the tribe appeared. He was a huge big fat obese, but strong boar dressed in all kinds of armour, holding all kinds of weaponry. He calmly walked towards Sanurah and introduced himself towards her. "My name is Borrus and these fine men are my loyal "Scrofa Tribe" he said with an evil grin on his ugly face. Before Sanurah could say anything back, she was already being overpowered by Borrus and got taken to the throne hall were she was being dropped down on the ground in front of her throne. Borrus declared himself the new ruler of Egypt and crushed Sanurah's throne by his imense weight.

Months went by and Sanurah was being forced to be Borrus his wife and queen. She was only allowed to stay next to Borrus the entire time. All of the wealth was taken away from the people of Egypt and was being put in renovating the palace to transform it into Borrus's palace with loads of gold. All of Sanurah's former female palace staff was being held captive in the dungeons of the palace and Sanurah was not allowed to see them ever again. She was also put on a very fattening high calorie diet by Borrus who wanted to create his dreamwoman out of her. He wanted to make her even fatter than himself! One day Borrus started to order his own staff and slaves to kill all of Sanurah's former crocodile pets in the palace. He wanted to feed all of them slowly to Sanurah in the comming weeks.

Sanurah © Fixala~Nagini



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