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The result of a nice sketch commission stream from last night! ^^

1: Commission #56 Big Fat Wolf. © shyguy27519why12

This evil wolfgirl has developped a new habit of eating. Of course she started to get fat and fatter...

2: Commission #57 Miyuki. © AyuShark

Miyuki was once a beautiful slim dragongirl, but became addicted to junkfood. Especially brownies! She still loves her body even now she's 300 pounds fatter!

3: Commission #58 Ashley. © fattorieldreemur

This 17 year old sharkgirl Ashley, never learned to eat healthy. She's almost as big as her mother, and will probably end up WAY fatter than her in the near future!

4: Commission #59 Bunny Princess. © shyguy27519why12

Constantly eating and eating and eating won't do good for your figure. This bunny princess found out the hard way. Or.... did she ever figure that out? She's still in denial of her HUGE weight gain! Even when she's almost completely blinded by the fatrolls on her forehead! That dress is also a lost case...

5: Random catgirl sketch © Fixala~Nagini

Just a random lovely curvy catgirl! ;p

Art © Fixala~Nagini



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