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After only a few weeks Ashley became too lazy and too fat to walk long distances, so she just let Rosie do her business in the backyard while ordering tonns of burgers and other fastfood from that same place she used to walk to with Rosie. Ashley discovered that all that junkfood was WAY cheaper than the healthy expensive food that Rosie needed to stay fit. So from that moment on, she put Rosie on a strickt diet of only burgers and milkshakes. Ashley started to feed her more and more often everyday, and after only a week combined with a lack of exercise, Rosie's once beautiful slim vixen body started to swell up with fat very drastically and especially her belly! She started to refuse the burgers, because she didn't like them anymore. But Ashley thought that she was starving herself, so she started to forcefeed Rosie. She even enlarged the portions she was forcefeeding her, because she thought that Rosie would starve herself if she didn't "help" her eating her ridiculously large portions.

This is what the diet has done to both of them 1 month later... Rosie's body has been unrecognizably deformed by the layers and layers of blubber inside her body. The fur on her belly has fallen out permanently by the pressure of the huge amount of bellyfat and the contstandly dragging of her belly across the floor when she attemps to walk. Her owner has also gained a lot of weight during that period! Ashley's hips and thighs have gotten completely packed with fat just like her belly and boobs! Both of them have also developped quite an amount of cellulite and stretchmarks all over their bodies!

In the picture you can see that Ashley thinks that she forgot to feed Rosie last hour (she's already feeding her hourly!), but she actually didn't forget that at all! She even gave her twice as much! Rosie has started to dislike her owner as you can see. But Ashley is too concerned about not starving Rosie that she can't see that...

How far will Ashley let things get completely out of hand? You will see it in the next part shortly! (BTW, this is the first time ever I drew a fat feral character!)

Ashley and Rosie (C) Fixala~Nagini




I LOVE the way you did the fat feral! Would really like to see more of this sort of thing from you!


This is top notch. Especially that feral work!! Cant wait for part 3

Meat Man

Will the third part ever be completed? (Not trying to be rude).


Yes! Ashley's 3rd stage is already done! I only need to finish Rosie's 3rd stage. (And it's a perfectly reasonable question!)